Somebody got a pretty good idea on this one. He suggested that there is small "loose" on printer frame and extruder can move little. I have to check it out when 2 days lasting print is over. Somehow moisture in PLA sounds like joke to me. Perhaps if you store it in water or something like that..
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GregValiant 1,342
That happens once in a while and I never figured out why. It's like there are bubbles under the plastic. I've washed the glass, re-coated with hair spray, and using the same roll of PLA it didn't do it. I've heard people blame it on the PLA having absorbed moisture but I don't know about that since the same roll printed fine for me the next time.
Then another day it would do it on freshly cleaned glass with a different roll of PLA. Like I said, I never chased it down.
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