Can you point me to where I set this ?
By the way what firmware is recommended ?
Can you point me to where I set this ?
By the way what firmware is recommended ?
The firmware from:
is recommended.
But if you want to print from RepG you need to:
-Set the baudrate to 57600
-Disable the "software endstops"
-"Steps per unit" for "E" needs to be 14 with the RepG from Ultimaker.
Or, you could upgrade to the SkeinPyPy Beta3:
Which helps you installing the right firmware, and allows faster and better slicing.
As I am not able to connect, how can I change the firmware ?
Where to set/check the baudrate in repG ? (WIN7 or Linux)
Is there a way to get back to the initial firmware ?
The first link I gave you can build a firmware for you, it also contains a batch file that helps you in changing the firmware, this always works, even if RepG cannot connect.
The settings I said you need to change in the link I gave.
Ok,I ll try. Thanks.
Hey Daid,
The firmware from:
is recommended.
But if you want to print from RepG you need to:
-Set the baudrate to 57600
I have it set to 115200, it works fine.
The firmware from:
is recommended.
But if you want to print from RepG you need to:
-Disable the "software endstops"
-"Steps per unit" for "E" needs to be 14 with the RepG from Ultimaker.
I have my software stops enabled, is that because I use Netfab?
I thought the E14 was only for Netfab.
Hi petermeuris
Use Daid's link you configure and upload your firmware from there.
You configure it, download the zip file, run the batch file, enter your com port, ie. COM4 and it does the rest.
It's great and so is that version of Marlin.
So I followed your first link, created the software uploaded it, but is tells me:
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
EDIT: Restarted the ultimaker and ran the uploader again, this uploads the software
And I can connect again with repG !
Thanks !!
Still no heating nor movement in the feeding motor though, the rest works.
So I have still work to do :-)
The extruder (feeder) motor won't move unless it's on proper temperature (cold extrusion prevention)
However, in RepG26 the direct control of the extruder is broken, so you cannot use that to test the extruder. Heating should work however. Be careful, it can be the heater, or the sensor that's not working. If the temperature sensing is not working then you could damage your machine!
The direct control of the extruder is broken in RepG25 but works in RepG26
I also checked if the Motherboard was giving any voltage to the white wires, Ii did not. (Voltmeter)
I was using repG 33 for linux, I have installed v25 and heating works,we are getting closer now.
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owen 19
Did you set the Baud Rate to 115200?
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