Actually, I'm not sure that is the issue, I'll look some more.
It wasn't the standby temps causing the issue (they are ignored) it was a bug in the shared heater code. I will submit a fix to be included in a future UM Cura release. In the meantime, I will put the fix into my next Cura build if you care to use one of them. You can find my builds at
Please read the file there before using. What system are you using?
I appreciate the help, when will the fix be implemented in your build? Thanks!
It's done already, the 20200703 release has the fix.
Thanks, just installed it and did a test run, doesn't export the temp calls. going to run a test print this week.
I would just like to start off by saying thank you for all the work you have done, I am having a similar issue but instead it is with an IDEX system.
When I check the generated G Code files it puts a M109 and M 104 in after the start G Code which also has a M109 and M104 command. Since I have an IDEX machine (Leapfrog Bolt Pro) I want it to heat up, purge, wipe then start printing. My start G Code looks like this (I am still not sure how to set print and stand by temps as per slicer settings so I put it in manually)
M109 S252
M104 T1 S175
G1 Y-33 F12000 ; move to wipe Y position
G91 ; set to relative
G1 E15 F150 ; extrude 15mm
G4 S2
G90 ; set to absolute
G92 E0 ;zero extruder
G1 X290 F12000 ; perform wipe sequence
G1 X367 F12000
G1 X290 F12000
The gcode generated after slicing does this at a tool change
G92 E0
M109 S240
M104 T0 S175
G1 Y-33 F12000 ; move to wipe Y position
G91 ; set to relative
G1 E15 F150 ; extrude 15mm
G4 S2
G90 ; set to absolute
G92 E0 ;zero extruder
G1 X20 F12000 ; perform wipe sequence
G1 X-20 F12000
G1 X20 F12000
M109 S240
M104 T0 S175
M106 S127.5
M205 X30 Y30
G1 F2400 E-1.5
G1 F600 Z3.3
I have underlined the second commands as the machine pauses to heat again, allowing material to ooze out defeating the purpose of the wipe and pure. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I believe that if the start code contains some magic keywords then the temperatures will not be set again by Cura. Have something like this in your start code...
M104 S{material_print_temperature}
M109 S{material_print_temperature}
Thanks so much, I changed my start gcode so now it performs better but it still sets M109 twice when selecting T1 extruder. I uninstalled Cura completely and installed the latest mater build you shared in the link on this thread but still no luck. Any other ideas?
Could you please provide a project file? Do File->Save and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
I have attached it now, The main issues I am having are the M109 and M104 replication but some advice on start gcode for each extruder to do a retract after the purge/wipe, move to print position then prime back retracted amount before printing would also be amazing. It seems to do it in the G code at the start before the skirt but won't do it after a tool change, also if this takes up a significant amount of you time please let me know your pay pal so I can pay you for your time.
Thanks for the file, don't worry about paypal, I do this for fun! However, I only actually do single material prints myself so I'm not at all knowledgeable about tool changing so maybe someone else who has some experience with that can comment?
No problem, thanks again! Hopefully you can find something with the M104/M109 codes and I will create a new post for help with the tool change.
With this start g-code...
; start g-code
M104 T0 S{material_standby_temperature}
M104 T1 S{material_standby_temperature}
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
G1 Z5 F1000
G92 E0
G1 Y-32 F12000
G1 E15 F800
G4 S5
I now get...
;Filament used: 27.227m, 4.76933m
;Layer height: 0.2
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine master
M140 S60
M190 S60
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
; start g-code
M104 T0 S175
M104 T1 S175
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
G1 Z5 F1000
G92 E0
G1 Y-32 F12000
G1 E15 F800
G4 S5
G92 E0
; right extruder
M109 S255
M104 T1 S175
G1 Y-32 F12000 ; move to wipe Y position
G91 ; set to relative
G1 E15 F200 ; extrude 15mm
G4 S2
G92 E0 ;zero extruder
G1 X290 F12000 ; perform wipe sequence
So the first m109 is when it selects the first extruder. Is that any better ?
Do you mean machine start or tool start?
It looks great but I'll check what it does at a tool change to see if it fixes the issue there as well. Get back to you soon.
Machine start, I didn't change the tool start codes.
Ah, OK then, I think the issue is mostly at tool change but I will check now and see how it goes. Thank you again!
It's still playing up so I'm going to roll back to an earlier version to see if it's something with cura. When swapping to T1 it still will duplicate the m109 command but it retracts before going to print. With T0 it won't duplicate the M109 but won't retract. Really strange, I made another post but no reply yet.
- 4 weeks later...
The fix that @burtoogle made for the OP has been deemed low risk enough that we'll try to get it in 4.7, a beta of which should be out relatively shortly.
That's awesome thanks so much for the response!
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burtoogle 516
Hi @Balbers01, could you please provide a project file that has this problem? Do File->Save and attach the .3mf file to this thread. THanks.
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