The bright red part is what is in contact with the bed. The darker red is overhangs, and are not necessarily parallel to the bed. If I put a brim on it, there are still bed adhesion problems and every time I tried to print it this way, the thing separated from the bed and the brim (This was before I realized that it wasn't flat). This screenshot was taken after I lowered the model 0.24mm into the bed, and it still isn't quite all on the bed and is still too high for a brim to attach.
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Tomahawk_101 1
I loaded up your model to check it out and, it is hollow... The outer rim of the engine is all that can touch the build surface that way. The red area indicates it is parallel with the build surface, IIRC.
If you use the option "Enable Brim" you can create a single layer across the build surface that is easy to remove later and will help adhesion.
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