I’ll double check but I do believe I’m on the latest firmware. I have recently aborted a print. The underextrusion will be random when it happens. It was strange how there’d be underextrusion then noodles on the back of the model.
Edited by EVRCIt could be that one print core is partly clogged and with a change you can quickly check this. If it is working with another one, you can switch back and do some hot/cold pulls to clean the nozzle. Especially if you print with different materials it could happen that some residues remains in the nozzle.
I just cleaned both cores and did a fresh restart. We’ll see how it turns out tomorrow
I keep my fingers crossed 🤞
Looks funny, sorry 😀
But I have no idea how this can happen. Do you print too hot? Or yes maybe the fans are not working.
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Smithy 1,146
Have you aborted a print job before?
I can remember there was a bug in an older firmware that after aborting a job, the printer does sometimes wired things.
Do you have the latest firmware installed?
Do you get the underextrsion all the time or just in the first layers?
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