By the way, sometimes someone will post a second time the word "bump" in their topic. Please don't do this until you've waited 24 hours. I think this is a reasonable thing to do as a new group of people might notice your post.
It's also very helpful to have a more descriptive topic title. You can't edit it, but I can so you can message me or another moderator to edit the topic title to what might be an improvement.
I suspect that the reason you got no replies was that the people who noticed your post didn't know the answer to your question.
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gr5 2,268
Good question. Maybe someone else will also want to see the answer, so I'll answer this publicly.
Messages are usually approved within an hour (or deleted if they are e.g. Viagra ads). Your message was approved long long ago. The longest a message has ever sat unapproved is probably 6 hours. After 3 posts have been approved you no longer have to go through the process.
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