That did it! Thank you very much for the help! Can't believe I missed that little arrow -_-
Edit: So now the temperatures will change accordingly but I cant change the retraction because the retraction setting doesn't have an arrow...
Edit #2: Ok so I stumbled into this article: which solved my problem. I had to go into the configuration folder and delete the lines for retraction speed and distance to have them "unlock". Maybe they should just add an arrow to undo the setting instead.
Edited by Snoman298
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Cuq 208
Yes if your Profil contains these informations then it's overwrite the default value. In order to supress these informations from your saved profil reset (Using the arrow) the values before to save the profil.
You can use the Profil Analyser to realy analyse your settings and understand how data are managed by Cura.
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