Okay, "Combing mode" is actually enabled by default. So the problem is fixed by disabling "Combing mode". But doing so will make the print very slow since it will retract all the time. Setting the "Retraction Minimum Travel" to a higher value such as 5mm will make it print almost as fast as the default, but of course, now the diagonal line is gone. So although the problem is fixed by changing this setting, it still does not make sense that filament are spitting out during a travel in "Combing mode". I think something is wrong with the G-code output from Cura.
The print comes out okay, but now I found that the disadvantage is that the print has more stringing, even though it is only a PLA print. I guess the advantage of "Combing" is to have the stringing stay within the solid area of the print.
Why does Cura make "Combing" and "Retraction" mutually exclusive options? Can't they exist at the same time to increase user flexibility? "Combing" keeps the stringing within the print, but at the same time, I want to use "Z Hop" to avoid scratching the surface, and "Z Hop" must exist with "Retraction".
Okay, recalibrate the material flow setting seems to reduce the scratching. It seems that my previous print might have an over extrusion issue. So maybe that is what most people do and there is no need to do Z hops.
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hyiu0000 0
Upgraded the Cura to the latest 4.8.0. Now the diagonal line becomes a horizontal line. Yes this line does not really affect the print quality that much, but the problem is that when it travel across the print, it scratches the layer with a loud sound. This seems more like a software bug than a hardware problem.
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