Awesome glad to hear the build surface and nozzle can be swapped out so easy.
Does anyone know for sure / have experience with this model printer and can say if the build surface can be moved up/down or side to side after the pause?
Awesome glad to hear the build surface and nozzle can be swapped out so easy.
Does anyone know for sure / have experience with this model printer and can say if the build surface can be moved up/down or side to side after the pause?
No, you cannot move the build plate and you should not do that. It is important when you pause the print, that the printer can exactly continue the job. When you remove the plate, it is impossible the place it again in the exact same place.
So when you pause a print to place a magnet or something else into the print, you should and have to do it with the object and model in place. But that's not the problem, everyone who needs such things, do it in place.
BTW, I check the printer and the pause functions is on the display, so you can pause a print from the menu directly.
I'm sorry if I was confusing, I don't mean if you can remove the whole build surface/object after a pause. I am asking if can hit pause and/or program a pause at layer and then while it's paused have the axis move. So I am wanting to be able to pause print > move x,y, and/or z axis > place object in print > resume print
If all the printer does is pause and keep the nozzle and print head directly over the print, then I can't put anything like a magnet inside the print due to the print head blocking access
No you cannot move the head, the steppers are active and this is also important to find the exact place to continue. But it should be no problem to put a magnet to the object, a lot of users do it, put a nut into the object and it is working. I have done it only a few time and cannot remember if the head moves away during the pause, could be - maybe someone else knows it better.
But you cannot move the head during the pause.
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Smithy 1,146
Hi and welcome!
First of all the printer is not named S2+ Connect it is just UM2+Connect. It is not a S-line printer.
You can pause a print at a specific layer, which can be configured during slicing. You have also the option to pause manually on the printer itself, but I don't know out of my head if the UM2+C has already this function implemented, I can check it later, but I think it is there.
There are a lot of options to use different build plates. Usually you just put the additional surface on the glass. You can check the products for the older UM2 which are also working for the UM2+C.
And yes the UM2+C has a normal Olsson block, so you can use any nozzle which is available. And there are a lot of options, hardened nozzles and I think also a Ruby nozzle. But be aware that the UM2+C has no hardened feeder gears. So it will wear out if you print with abrasive materials.
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