I did try the "Print thin walls". I'm using a 0.4mm nozzle, but this appears to be a slicing issue, not a printing one. I'm new to this - is there a way to tell the slicer what nozzle size I'm using?
Yeah, if I drop the line width settings all the way down to 0.1mm I get this instead. Really not an ideal solution because the nozzle is still printing 4 separate walls and then filling in the gaps between them. I've seen this gear printed (bought them on eBay) but I don't understand how they're being done. My guess is that it's a redesigned gear.
I think so too, the design is not very good and even you could print it in some way it will easily break.
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Smithy 1,146
Have you tried the option "Print thin walls"?
Which nozzle size do you use?
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