I'm having a similar issue. My initial layer temp is set to 65 and then set to drop to 60. However my printer starts at 60 and then heats to 65 on second layer. Settings says these values are affect by Default build plate temp and Default build plate temperature. When I search for and enable Default build plate temperature, it does not show up in my settings menu. I could be missing something dumb, but thought to check here if others were having similar problems.
GregValiant 1,409
Load a calibration cube in Cura. Set Cura up with your preferred settings. Use "File | Save Project" to create a 3mf file with all the info in it. Post the 3mf here.
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GregValiant 1,409
In the Material section of the settings is "Bed Temperature Initial Layer". If it's hidden you can search for it, or next to the Search Settings box is an icon with three lines on it. Click on that and set the settings visibility to "All".
If your StartUp Gcode has M140 S{material_bed_temperature} in it then that will interfere with the Bed Temperature Initial Layer. If that is the case then change the keyword in the Startup Gcode to {material_bed_temperature_layer_0}.
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