I spent 3 months getting a Delta Kossel Mini running. My first ever printer. I am running the latest Delta Marlins. Had the most trouble with Repetier Host/Slicer. I was to9ld to try Cura, And I got mostly successful prints! Thanks
As a newbee, I really don't understand the settings. I have a 1.75mm J-head, running PLA @ 200c I think .4mm nozzle.
Can someone inform me on conservative best settings to use in Cura?
Also when printing single wall vases, I read about Cura's Joris printing. Where can I find that option? I'd like to try printing some small vases as tests.
Thank you
Dear new-bee + expert,
I have an Ultimaker original and want to build a Kossel Mini. I want to use Cura on the Kossel. I do not know if I need to use a particular board in the Kossel to do this.
Which electronic board have you used?
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illuminarti 18
Well, not to say RTFM, but, well, have you read the manual? It's fairly new, and quite good:
The Joris setting is found in Expert -> 'Open Expert Settings' - it is the 'Spiralize the outer contour' setting. That will cause the object to be printed with a bottom, no top, a single outer wall, and the edge gradually climbing upwards on each move, rather than printing a layer at a time and then jumping up one layer.
I've no idea what sort of speeds your printer is capable of; the main settings to worry about are the layer height - probably something in the 0.1 to 0.2 mm range; the temperature - whatever is appropriate for your filament - probably 200-230 for PLA; and the speed - no idea on that 30mm/s should be ok for most any printer I think. You can probably go quite a bit faster, but generally, the faster you print, the thinner the layers need to be, so that the total volume of plastic per second doesn't get too high.
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