Ok here it is
GregValiant 1,455
I can't reproduce the problem. When I slice either file at any percentage of infill the infill shows up.
I notice that you have "Gradual Infill Steps" set to 5 and the step height to 1.5. The benchy doesn't have a lot of headroom in the basement so the infill is very sparse for the first few layers.
This is the second file sliced at 50% infill, Gradual Infill Steps at 5 and step height at 1.5. You can see that the bow area doesn't show any infill. It's because the threshold determined by Gradual Infill steps and the Step Height has kept it from forming.
The only change I made for this one is Gradual Infill Steps set to 0.
GregValiant 1,455
Well, that would do it.
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GregValiant 1,455
With the model loaded and Cura setup and ready to slice - use the "File | Save Project" command to create a 3mf file. It will include the model and your printer and your settings. Post the 3mf file here and someone will take a look.
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