I have just M107 for Start G-code. M106 S0 I have just at the End G-code.
GregValiant 1,436
I installed a Chiron in Cura and set up cooling the way you have it and it looks to be working correctly. Right under Layer:0 I get M106 S255.
With a model loaded and your settings the way you like, use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here.
12 hours ago, GregValiant said:I installed a Chiron in Cura and set up cooling the way you have it and it looks to be working correctly. Right under Layer:0 I get M106 S255.
With a model loaded and your settings the way you like, use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here.
Is good to know that you made it and was right. Now let's see what is wrong with mine! First I suspected the hot-end wiring which failed first, but I have replace it. Now I started printing an old calibration file that I have it on the SD card and the cooling fan worked.
GregValiant 1,436
When I opened your 3mf file I immediately sliced it with no changes and the gcode was correct with:
M106 S255
So the setting "Initial Fan Speed" = 100% did work. I changed the setting to 50% and to 0% and the gcode was also correct with M106 S127.5 and M107 respectively.
In that gcode snippet you posted there is:
Which seems to indicate that you had Initial Fan Speed set to 0% for that slice?
Try installing another instance of your printer with a different name and try slicing with the new instance. It's possible there is a glitch in your installation of Cura, but only affecting a single setting like that is odd.
What version of Cura are you using?
I am attaching a 3mf file of your model with some altered cooling settings. When I slice that file the gcode has 17 lines with M106 as the fan speed bounces up and down due to Minimum Layer Time.
Edited by GregValiant
Thank you very much for your support! I previously came to the idea that Chiron is not working well with some detail settings of Cura, like the variable layer thickness. Maybe is the case now. My previous setting was to start with the regular fan speed 0.
GregValiant 1,436
If there is no M106 in the file then the problem is before the printer. Open a text editor program and paste the snippet below into a text file, then save it as a gcode and print it. It will exercise the fan at 20 second intervals. If the fan responds correctly then the problem is elsewhere.
M106 S255 ;fan on full
M117 FAN 100% ;message to the LCD
G4 S10 ;20 second wait
M106 S0 ;fan off
M117 FAN OFF ; message to the LCD
G4 S10 ;20 second wait
M106 S127 ;fan at 50%
M117 FAN 50% ;message to the LCD
G4 S10 ;20 second wait
M106 S0
Regarding the layer movement - Gcode tells the printer where to go and what to do. The variable layer thickness (like with Adaptive Layers) is no different than any other movement command. If your layer height is .2 then the Z will be told to move .2. If the command is a different layer height then that gcode command might tell the printer to move the Z 0.1. The gcode might look like this...
G0 X0 Y0 Z0.2
;lots more code
G0 X0 Y0 Z0.3
;lots more code
G0 X0 Y0 Z0.5
In that example - the first layer is .2 high, the second layer is .1 high, and the third layer is back to being .2 high.
The printer should just go where it's told to go.
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GregValiant 1,436
It looks like the fan should be coming on at layer 2. If you search the gcode file is there an "M106" in there? M106 S255 would be the cooling fan at 100%.
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