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Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy


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Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

I'm not sure if this is a bug with Cura or what. I don't even know what terms to search for, and not finding anything similar through google searches.


So, I'm new to 3d printing and recently purchased an Ender 3 v2. Using Cura as slicer, I was having issues with calibration cube I downloaded having really bad corners. Tried slowing down and issue was the same. Turns out it wasn't actually slowing down to what I set in the software, but if I made a cube myself and sliced it in Cura it was nice and slow and corners were perfect. I've since figured out that any .stl files that I download are acting weird and something is wrong, but if I've made the 3d item myself it is printing perfectly fine.


To outline things. Downloaded XYZ calibration cube and repeatedly tried to print with issues. I tried changing all settings and nothing fixed the issue. On recommendations I tried an alternative slicer. Prusaslicer printed something I made myself fine, but when printing the cube I downloaded it slammed the bed right forward and had the stepper motors screaming in pain. Tried a few different things there and all were wrong to very bad. Tried superslicer with a very similar issue occuring.


I then tried creality slicer, being Cura with a different name on it. That printed the calibration cube with the same very high speed, and it wouldn't improve the corner issue I was having. On trying a 20mm cube I made myself it printed fine, and was much slower. In my inexperience, I thought the speed it was going with the calibration cube was how fast I set in Cura, and it was only when measuring and timing that I found out that was much faster. 


I then tried another thing I downloaded from Thingiverse and this one tried to print on the very right hand side of the bed instead of near the middle where I set it. It then ended up a line along the very edge of the plate.


I made my own thing again, exported as an .stl and tried it, and it was fine.


Reslicing the things that are causing issues just end up having the same thing wrong in the new gcode, despite any settings that I change in Cura or Creality slicer. Whatever goes wrong is unique to that specific .stl and stays with it. 


I just downloaded something again from Thingiverse and this one tried to print with the z axis at the very top. So its definitely a pattern occurring with only downloaded files being crazy. I haven't found any other formats to download and try to see if its only with .stl  files


I believe this was likely the same issue that was happening with Prusaslicer and superslicer. Not that I particularly want to go back to them or anything, but just to highlight that it isn't Cura only having this issue.


Given the files I downloaded have been done hundreds to thousands of times and there is no comments discussing issues, it seems fair to discount them as the issue, especially when anything I've downloaded has done something wrong. I've had the same issue on Cura, Creality, Prusaslicer and Superslicer, so it seems safe to discount the slicer as the cause. The printer is printing other things fine and seems to obey the insturctions given to it, so it seems that isn't to blame. That really only leaves my computer as the cause if my reasoning is right.


Hopefully that all makes sense.


Can anyone help me figure out what is going on and why? Can anyone give me some search terms to even look further for this?


Would anyone know what to look for in the gcode to see what is causing this behaviour? Is there anything I should upload to help?


Would really appreciate any help or advice anyone can give


Thanks, Stuart

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Load a model that has been a problem.  Set Cura up to slice it.  Use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here.  It will have everything in it and is the best for troubleshooting.

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Awesome, thanks Greg.


    The filament guide pulley is one that caused issues yesterday. I just resliced and checked it and its doing the exact same thing-head moves right along the very front of the bed, hits the glass bed clip (that is outside print area) and then prints everything in one line along the very right hand side of the bed, like it thinks the print location is somewhere further to the right of the printer bed. Home is front left corner. Home is set correctly in the slicer, and other files that work properly print exactly where I set them to go in the slicer


    As I mentioned, each different downloaded file has a different issue, but they are all doing something wrong


    I've thrown in the keychain one just so there is something different to compare to. Downloaded this just as another test yesterday. This one raised the Z axis right to the top before I cancelled the print. I haven't checked if this one is printing different when resliced, but all the others did the same thing wrong each time it was resliced so I'll put money on it being the same as it was yesterday


    Appreciate  the response, thanks

    problem_FilamentGuide_Pulley_Half.3mf problem_keychain.3mf

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    Posted (edited) · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Everything looks good with those two files and both your 3v2 and my Ender 3 Pro.


    I'm thinking it's a machine issue or the firmware is confused.  I'm sure there are no lines in the gcode telling the printer to head for the moon.

    Post both of those "bad" gcode files here and I'll look at them.


    I do have a question though.  I see you have the initial layer line width at 150%.  I've been seeing more and more of that (up to 250%) and I was wondering if you read somewhere that it was a good idea, came up with it on your own, or what?


    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    I completely missed that initial line layer width. I think I loaded someone else's profile onto Cura which might have had it in it. I didn't set it myself, and it would explain the expansion at the bottom that I'm seeing. Thanks for pointing that out.


    The I updated the printers firmware when I got it after I had some issue, but can't remember what the issue was. But I thought if it was the printer then it would do it with both the files I made myself and with ones downloaded, just not sure what the difference would be between them.


    I've attached the gcode for the filament pulley. Funny thing, just sliced the keychain one after changing to 100% lower layer (only thing I changed) and its printing normally. So I haven't attached that one. I'll give the one you posted a try and see how it goes.


    Thanks for the help so far




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    Posted (edited) · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    The GV_filament guide pulley gcode printed normally. Stopped it after it started fine as bed was out of level, but it didn't give the issues I had


    edit. Just tried reslicing the filament guide wheel myself and trying again after the keychain seemed to print normally. This one did the same as before-went all the way over to the right hand side edge of the bed and printed everything in one line along there.


    Given that the GV_filament guide gcode was fine and mine wasn't leads me again to believe its something here or that I'm doing. But you resliced that with what I uploaded here and its fine, and files I create myself are fine, its only the downloaded files. So is something going wrong with the downloads? But then they appear fine on the screen. I'm pretty basic when it comes to the software side of things, so I can't think what it could be. 

    Edited by disco_stu
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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    This is your gcode file read into AutoCad.



    Everything looks good.  BTW the gcode reader in Cura is separate from the slicer.  When you open a gcode file using Cura you get a true view of the gcode moves (other than G2/G3 moves that ArcWelder uses and Cura doesn't currently display).


    So we still don't know.  Looking at the gcode you provided it should print fine.


    The M502 command resets the firmware to the "as installed" condition.  If worse comes to worse you can create a 2 line gcode file with:

    M502 ;reset firmware

    M500 ;save changes

    and print it.

    That will wipe out any custom changes like PID, Home Offset, Steps/mm and a couple of other things.  I've had to do it twice now.  I'd call it a last resort though.

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Thanks Greg. I ran that code and reset (I reset through the printer screen the other day) and problem file still does the wrong thing. So that to me takes the printer itself out of the potential causes.


    Looking at the problem file, like you it looks fine in Cura.


    Next thing for me to try is something from another download source than Thingiverse, but the fact things are fine for you and the one you sliced is fine for me makes me think the issue is still here, and likely my computer......but why, WHYYYY?

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Just tried a file from cults which seemed fine, in the right place at least

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    I'm struggling trying to figure out where to go with this now.  That simple pulley file should not have created problems for the printer. 

    There are two things that stick out:

    • "...this one tried to print with the z axis at the very top"
    • "...and then prints everything in one line along the very right hand side of the bed"


    I'm attaching two files.  The 3mf is with my normal printer (E3Pro) and settings configuration.  The part included is a configuration shape I came up with.  Amongst other things it is suitable to print in spiralize mode.

    The STL file is a different calibration shape to help dial in support.

    Either model can be scaled up or down to achieve different effects.

    When you open the 3mf - allow it to "Create" a new printer and "Create" new profiles and Material.  Then you can switch over to your 3v2 and see how it goes.

    I'm hoping it gives you a base line to work from to chase down what is going on.


    GV_CalibrationShapeA Defaults.3mf GV_CalibrationShapeH.stl

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Thank you.


    I just tried the 3mf, and once it got to temp the head went flying over to the right and the stepper motors started screaming. Just turned off the power switch. I clicked to create new profile etc etc. It didn't create the new printer, but it did the material profile and settings, and I chose the Trailers PLA that it installed. Not sure if I did anything wrong though, but I wouldn't think the profile would cause that


    The stl is currently printing fine. I'll stop it soon, but speed and everything else looks to be about right. I did use the standard quality profile I've been using for other prints with this one

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    This is the StartUp Gcode that should be in the gcode file for the CalibrationShapeA file.

    One problem that I forgot would show up - I hand level the bed every print and then don't allow the Z to auto-home after leveling because my Z stop switch is so inconsistent.  The X and Y do home though and so the head should have stayed near the left side until the skirt started to print.  After the purge lines the X moves to X20 and that is as far as it goes to the right.


    ; Greg's Start G-code
    M140 S50 ;start to heat bed
    M109 S210 ;heat hot end and wait
    G92 E0 ; Reset E
    G28 X Y; Home XY axes
    G1 Z10.0 F3000 ; Move Z
    G1 X1.0 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move
    G1 X1.0 Y200.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15 ; First purge line
    G1 X3.0 Y200.0 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; Move
    G1 X3.0 Y20 Z0.3 F1500.0 E30 ; Second purge line
    G1 E28 F1800 ;retract 2mm
    G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
    G1 Z12.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
    G1 X20 Y35 Z12 F5000.0 ; Move over to prevent blob squish
    M220 S100 ;reset feed
    M221 S100 ;reset flow
    ;End of StartUp Gcode


    This is starting to look like a firmware/mainboard glitch.  For reference - I'm on my third Creality mainboard and I have a 4.2.7 board sitting here just in case.

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Thanks Greg. Is there any way to test the board?


    Would I be best off trying Jyers or some other firmware before going down the path of main board warranty or similar?

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    It took me 2 months of arguing with Creality before they finally admitted that the first 1.1.5 silent board they sent me had a bad E-driver right out of the box.  I think they were just hoping to out-wait me.  In the end they sent a new board.  Other than frying the 25v input terminals it has been running fine.  

    A good question would be - if you load Jyers firmware then what does that do to the warranty?  I'm sure Creality won't tell you.  You might be better off in the short term to reload the stock firmware.  If the problem is with the X driver on the mainboard, then the problem will still be there.

    When the printer first boots up it sends some information over the USB.  That information includes the firmware version.  In the screenshot below I have it circled in red.  The information below the yellow line is my printers response to M115.  The response notes that the firmware name is "Marlin Creality 3D" but doesn't note the version number. 




    If it is truly a hardware problem (and I'm leaning towards that) then the firmware doesn't matter.  Moving to a different firmware MIGHT resolve the situation.  If the problem doesn't go away then it would be a further indication that it is indeed a hardware issue.  This is a perfect "Catch 22" situation.  You may be damned if you do and damned if you don't.


    Here is a little gcode file.  The hot end heats to 150, the bed to 50, then it homes and the print head moves around.  It repeats the moves 3 times and there are no extrusions.  If a simple file like this screws up it may tell you something.


    Excercise X Y.gcode

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    Thanks. That gcode worked perfectly, no issues at all.


    The thing with the movement and slamming to the end issues I'm having is that it isn't only one axis that will go wrong. For that one it was the x axis, but I've had a few where it was the Y axis. One print it was the Z axis. The extruder doesn't seem to cause an issue, that one always appears to work correct to my untrained eye. But there was also the cube where the speed wouldn't change despite what I set in the slicer. The slamming always occurs to the opposite side of the end switch, haven't seen it yet go towards the end switch always away from it. That would all mean if it is in the board then it isn't the driver for one axis, but something common to all movement.


    Can they see if I've used other firmware on it, or only what's loaded onto it currently? Just wondering if I should try a 3rd party firmware and see if the same issues are there, and if so contact Creality/the seller.


    I'm wondering if I should send a copy of the gcode that is going wrong to someone else with the same printer and see if it goes bad for them also. Figuring if it goes wrong that would indicate something in the gcode/slicer/stl/computer side, and if its fine then its my printer.


    Appreciate all your help. Pretty hard to nut this stuff out on my so it is greatly appreciated



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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    So, googling around about 4.2.2 board issues, I came across some info that they are sending some of the 4.2.2 boards with RCT6 256k CPUs rather than the original RET6 512k CPUs. Opened up the bottom and wouldn't you know-I've got the RCT6 256k.


    My assumption is that the firmware I updated to was intended for the 512k CPU. 


    Do you think this could be causing the strange behaviour?


    I noticed that TH3D have firmware for the 256k. You think I would be best trying that out?



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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    The things I don't know about firmware fills libraries.  From reading around here and there - it is apparent that Creality plays fast and loose with their mainboards and firmware.  If they are building Ender 3's and run out of mainboards (it has happened) instead of stopping until they get more mainboards they just stick Ender 5 mainboards in.  I feel that is an exceedingly bad idea but they didn't ask me.  Evidence suggests that they had a very poor implementation of the original firmware for the 4.2.X boards.  They were configured for conventional LCD screens and the printers were being delivered with the newer TFT type LCD's.  So the mainboards didn't speak exactly the same language as the display circuits and so commands that send messages to the display (M117, the M0/M1 pause commands, M600, etc.) didn't work because the TFT couldn't display the message and so the command is simply ignored.


    Greg's Rule #2 - NEVER upgrade an operating system.


    But you may be stuck having to do just that.  Moving to firmware from another compiler (TH3D, Jyers, as opposed to Creality) may be the fix.  At least you will know if it is for your specific board.  If there are options such as BLT capability that you need then just make sure you pick a version that has it / them.

    On this forum @tinkergnome has compiled firmware for Ultimaker printers.  Maybe he would have a thought on this.  For myself, the whole firmware "upgrade" thing is a rabbit hole I've never wanted to go down.

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    I did have issues with original firmware-extruder was out and it wouldn't save my calibration. Had to look back through to remember why I updated. I can always load the current firmware back onto it easy enough if the new one doesn't work. I'll check the Creality site and see if they happen to have one to suit the 256k board. 


    Fingers crossed one of these works

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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    I contacted the guy I bought the printer off, and he sent me some earlier firmware to try. So far it has printed one object fine that previously was only printing in one line on the right hand side of the bed. (although as I typed this I fired it up again and Z was 10mm high trying to print, but homing and trying again worked fine)


    So it looks like it was a firmware issue as you suspected Greg. I really should have tried this earlier and actually feel a bit stupid for not trying. I think it was the fact it was only doing it on the downloaded models that had me thinking it was something weirder going on. Maybe it was just pure coincidence that mine were fine and all the downloaded models from thingiverse were bad. Maybe the CPU has something to do with it.


    I'll have to print some more things to really be comfortable that the issue is solved, but for the moment things are looking good.


    I really appreciate the time you've taken to help me out. Bit hard being new to this and not having much idea. Hopefully I can offer the same assistance to others some day

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    Posted (edited) · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy

    "...and actually feel a bit stupid"

    HA.  Welcome to the club.  In my case the "a bit" part would be understated.  I have a wide skillset and the friggin' printer drove me nuts.  I could go on and on, but here are some points...


    #1)  The Chinese do not provide any meaningful support for the machines.  Creality is not the only company guilty of this.  Once they have your money they are done with you.  It seems to be the business model that they all agreed on.

    #2)  The printer components are the absolute cheapest they could get by with.  Surprisingly, the stepper motors appear to be reliable.  Everything else, not so much.  The word "junk" comes to mind.

    #3)  Do not assume that just because some sections are pre-assembled that they were assembled correctly.


    The machine works hard.  I don't know how many thousands of hours I have on mine, but it's a lot.  Once I swapped out the hot end for a Micro-Swiss, scrapped the layer cooling fan and went with a 5015 ball bearing model, and scrapped the other 3 fans and replaced them with ball-bearing models, things were a lot better.  Getting rid of the original hot end (that was constantly plugging up) was huge.

    The mechanical parts of the printer need to be calibrated.  The firmware (Esteps, Home-Offset, PID, etc) needs to be calibrated.  Cura (and any other decent slicer) are not simple pieces of software and so there is a fair learning curve.  I was very familiar with Gcode when I started out, but most people aren't.  Users need to understand Gcode and be familiar with the oft used commands.  Then there is CAD software and STL editing software that needs to be learned in order to get the most out of the printer.  The learning curve can be tall and steep.

    I'm retired.  Nothing I do is "Mission Critical".  But I have a thing that if I'm going to do it, it should be done right.  My printer is finally a tool that I have confidence in.  It just took a while to get it there.


    And that @disco_stu is this mornings rant.  Sorry.

    PS:  Here is the logo I decided on.  30 years in CAD design and this is where I ended up.  It's a beautiful thing.


    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Weird issue-downloaded .stl files printing crazy


    Yeah, the fans are driving me nuts already. Tried to open one up to lube it and can't see much of a way in. Had fans on chargers etc that were dry from the factory and were nice after some lube. From China...of course! Hopefully got some that will suit in my piles of spares from various things in the garage.


    I did buy this with the intention of eventually changing and upgrading bits and pieces to be able to print better engineering type plastics at some stage. So hot end was on the list, and the extruder eventually seems to be a given. Given the shortcomings, Chinese stuff at least gives a way in for a lot of these more specialised pursuits, knowing you'll have to modify. If 3d printer was $1300 I wouldn't be able to give it a go. Me being me I'm more than happy to rip new stuff apart and modify and improve things-can't seem to help myself! While frustrating at times, the learning curve with new things is something I like.


    I did actually start with learning CAD basics before buying the printer, figuring for what I will do those skills are needed (I won't be making star wars figurines). Since getting the printer and spending all my time on that, I've forgotten all the tricks I learned! Got something I need soon so I'll have to relearn to get that drawn up.


    Appreciate those hints of things to look at changing/fixing. Will start slowly upgrading bits as needed. 


    Funnily enough, googled around last night out of interest and someone on Reddit had the same issue with the same firmware version (or as much as they would let me read before their weird ways of trying to make people join kicked in), in case this helps anyone else out. 


    Thanks again for all your help

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