Hi there.
If this is McGybeer's snake, I have printed a few of these, and his wonderful articulated dragon on my Creality printer at home, and had lots of similar issues with the first layers and noticed that the adhesion benefits A LOT from having quite a lot of "squish" and plenty of 3dLac or equivalent (or hairspray!). Also I print the first layer quite slow, compared to the rest of the print. I don't know how easy it is to adjust z offset on an Ultimaker printer (I don't have to do it at all on the work S5) so I guess its a case of experimenting.
It will look sooooo cool when you crack it though.
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2021coyneo 8
Try to relevel your bed and maybe try out Magigoo. I have used the Ultimaker 2+ (Connect and non-connect) and have found that Magigoo is almost necessary to get small features to stick to the bed. Glue stick didn't work for me either which is why I tried using Magigoo and I'm happy I did.
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