Hi GregValiant, Thanks first for your prompt reply. I have followed your links and see the 'bad news' from the RepRap site. Before I even think about ripping out all the controls and replacing them I'm going to see how others in the Cubex community have worked round the proprietary features and made it work whilst keeping most of the firmware.
I'm making progress, but it is slow going. My problem seems to be finding a post-processor to convert .gcode to .cubex files. It reports 'unable to print' but it does not give any clue to the reason. When I break through this glass ceiling and hone my prints to an acceptable level I hope to be back and contribute.
Thank you for all your assistance - it has helped a lot.
Regards, Myosotis.
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GregValiant 1,454
You will have to set it up as a "Custom FFF" printer in Cura. After you have installed it you can make any changes you need by going to "Manage Printers" and then "Machine Settings". Deepending on how old it is it might be an "Origin at Center" machine. Nowadays that is mostly used for Delta printers.
The rest of the settings (build plate size, print head dimensions) you can measure off the machine.
The main thing is to get the "Gcode Flavor" correct. I came across THIS PAGE that appears to be bad news. I'll let you decide.
There is also THIS PDF that is the user manual.
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