Here is a copy of the project file ( .3fm format ) as downloaded filament friday ( via Thangs 3d )this file has and is working on my laptop it is only failing on the latest download of cura 5.1 which is the confusing part. My new computer is running windows 10 ( although it looks slightly different to my old machines version. I don't know if its relevant but it is an HP machine.
Here I display my ignorance, which log do you require, and where should i find it, I do appreciate your time and trouble with this matter, I find the logic a mystery why the software works fine on one machine and not on another, thats life i suppose
You can find more info here:
Hi and thanks for all the help, I think I have the log you want, it' in three txt files I have ziped up for you, here's hopeing it tell's you what you need to know.
Sorry, those are not the logs that I need. I need the Cura GUI logs
once again I cannot find the GUI file you need, perhaps its windows 11 that is the problem? anyway I'm to old to keep bashing my head against a wall like this, so I'll just have to copy the files i want to use to my laptop and run cura there.
Thank you so much for your time and all your effort in trying to help me,
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nallath 1,125
Without log files or the project file, there is nothing we can do to help you out, sorry.
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