How about showing a photo of the print? So good to hear great result of this printer.
This is a small collection of the prints from the first 10 days. There are some more printer parts (large filament spool, LED attachments, etc.) which are attached to the printer and therefore not shown in the image. I also print always an Ultimaker robot for testing after filament change, so there are lots of robots too
Currently I'm printing the small tree house from thingiverse for my daughter :cool:
Hi Jörg
Uau... very nice "first" prints. Congratulations for that, once again.
Guten morgen Joerg !!
Herzliche Welkommen in unsere schone familie :-)
Wann du brauchs hilfe.. sag beschied !! wir hilfen dir gerne !
Ein Schonen Tag !
Schone Grusse aus Leipzig.
Ian :-)
Herzlichen Willkommen!
And I thought that I'm the oldest one here...
Nice work.. What is the biggest item you have printed?
A square shaped box 189x140x50mm. Unfortunately I had a warping problem and th corners came up a bit, but the print was finished. There was also a bit of underextrusion at ~z=40mmm, so that this was my first failed print :mrgreen:
Anyway, my wife is using it for her knitting needles
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mr.-waldorf 0
Hi Joerg,
Welcome to the forum and to 3d printing.
I am sure that you will have a good time here and everybody is eager to help.
Congratulations for the new printer and for the first prints.
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