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Posted · relation between extruded filament diameter and nozzle hole diameter?


Looking for a faster and strong prints woth abs on an UM original recently i've drilled one 0.4 original nozzle (i had two) with an 0.7 bit (in fact it was 0.68).

The fact is that i don't know exactly the hole diameter cause i can not measure exactly with my caliper but i supposed is something between 0.70 and 0.76.

I wonder if there is any relationship between the diameter of the extruded filament and the hole of the nozzle.

I remember i read somewhere a 0.35 nozzle extrudes 0.41mm filament or something like that.

Does anybody know if a exist a relation table so i can estimate the drilled hole diameter measuring only the extruded filament diameter?



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    Posted · relation between extruded filament diameter and nozzle hole diameter?

    No, there's a huge variation in extrusion width depending on pressure, temperature etc, due to the elastic forces in the plastic as it gets squeezed out. So there's no simple way to infer the nozzle diameter from the extrusion width, as far as I know.

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    Posted · relation between extruded filament diameter and nozzle hole diameter?

    So best is do it for approximation? Knowing the value should be something between 0.7 and 0.76...

    Now i notice than infill overlap 40% it's seen more than 50% in the print it self so i suppose the nozzle is bigger. Now my settings is are 0.7.

    In order to do a mistake is better do it up or down?



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    Posted · relation between extruded filament diameter and nozzle hole diameter?

    It doesn't really matter. An approximate width should be good enough. If you specify a wider width than your actual nozzle, the extra plastic will just get squished out a bit more under the flat nozzle tip. If you specify less, it won't quite fill the opening always. Either way, if you're within a few percent, it's unlikely to make much difference. Cura itself changes the logical nozzle width setting as needed to make sure the shell thickness is an exact multiple of the logical nozzle width - and then over- or under-extrudes accordingly.

    Are you sure you want an infill overlap of 40%? That only measures the overlap of the center point of the infill line ends over the shell loops. Even at 15%, the infill lines can project through the walls for some geometries.

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