Thanks for the response. I had checked the log and there were no issues. I can see the logging where the PostProcessingScripts are being loaded, but there are no errors.
I've put the file into the /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/cura/5.2/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts folder - this folder (PostProcessingPlugin) didn't exist, so I created it. It does not contain the other post processing scripts, but I've also not found them elsewhere on the computer (I've searched for FilamentChange for example using Finder and it's not found a file with this name). The plugins folder does contain the other plugins I've installed through the marketplace though, so I assumed this was the right place.
8 hours ago, GregValiant said:it should be in "...\PostProcessingPlugin\scripts"
Can you tell me exactly what the path is - I've tried directly in ./cura/5.2/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts, and also in ./cura/5.2/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts and neither seem to work.
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GregValiant 1,408
If you have your custom post-processor in the correct folder (it should be in "...\PostProcessingPlugin\scripts") then it may be a syntax error in the file. Cura won't load a Post-Processor that has errors when it attempts to load the file. Errors that occur when the script runs will cause it to kick out and produce no results.
Either type of error should be noted in your Cura.log file. Runtime errors will usually note the line number of the error.
This error is an example from a post-processor I renamed but didn't make any changes to anything within the file. In this case, the "Class", the FileName, and the "Key" don't match so it throws an error and won't load.
"2023-04-08 07:38:19,604 - ERROR - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [221]: AttributeError: module 'PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.ORIG_blahblahblah' has no attribute 'ORIG_blahblahblah'"
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