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Posted · Two-color printing error
Hello everyone.
I use 3D printer Geeetech Mizar M. I still have a problem with dual printing of two-color models that I slice in UltimaMaker Cura 5.4.0 software. I use Prime Tower for dual extrusion printing. This error appears whenever I print models such as the one in Picture1.

Slicer processed the model as I inserted it and assembled it from two parts and then merged it into one model. (Picture2) The printer works without problems as long as both colors are contained in the layer. The problem appears when there is only one color left to print (Picture3). The printer continues to work according to the GCode instructions, but the extruder stops extruding the filament and the model is missing its top part in one color. (Picture4) But the UltiMaker Cura slicer does not show any defect (Picture2). I solved my case with Geeeetech support, but I was advised to use a different slicer software, because according to them, UltiMaker Cura is not suitable for multi-color printing.

Can someone help me solve this error?





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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    Hey @klickon,


    Welcome to the UltiMaker Community 🎉
    This looks like a problem with underextrusion. It almost seems like the flow of the layer doesn't start.
    Have you considered adding a small block next to your primetower as long as your model to make sure that the primetower is longer and the material is primed? I've seen other people use that. 

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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted · Two-color printing error

    Hi MariMakes,


    First of all, thank you for welcoming me to the UltiMaker forum community. 


    Your solution to the two-color printing problem I described occurred to me as well. I have already tried this procedure and it works. I just don't understand why it is not possible to implement this option directly in the software. For instance, the ability to choose the height of the primetower. The process described above increases the filament consumption and also increases the printing time. I tried printing several two-color 3D models and the result was always the same. The printer will no longer print the last layer in a different color.

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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    @klickon post one of the "bad" gcode files.  Maybe something odd is going on at the last tool change.


    The last change shouldn't be any different than the rest.  Same retraction and prime amounts as happened earlier in the print.




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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    I have exactly the same problem now but didn't have it when first using the printer. It has only become apparent recently. I found out that in the g code for printing any model where the last layer of a support has finished and it has to swap to T0 (from whichever extruder is used for the support), there is a line of code in there before the switch, that turns off the hot end heat value, so that neither extruder will move because it cannot force the filament through the now cold hot end. If that line (M104 S0) is removed, printing continues as normal. That line tells the hot end to be set to 0 degrees. I had to search all the way through the actual g code text file to find the problem line. I would like to know why it has only just started to get inserted by the slicer software? Do I have to alter every g code file that changes from one extruder to another when using a prime tower that finishes before the model is completed? Is it a bug?

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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    That line is added for conventional dual hotend printers.  At the last tool change the unused tool is shut off.  It does cause a problem for "multiple-in-one-out" hot ends like some of the Geeetech printers.

    I see that neither the Geeetech Base Dual Extruder definition nor the Mizar M definition file have overrides that address the problem and if your printer is a 2-in-1 or 3-in-one-out, then the author missed a trick.


    If your printer is equipped with a mixing hot end then:

    If you haven't done so, go to the Cura MarketPlace and load the "Printer Settings" plugin.

    Restart Cura.

    Printer Settings will appear as the bottom settings group.

    Find "Extruders share heater" and "Extruders share nozzle".

    Enable both of those and the problem should go away.

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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    Same issue as OP. Filament stops extruding when only one color left to print. Using the work-around (Printer Settings)  presented to the OP does work, but it's disappointing that the original issue from August of 2023 is still present in version 5.8.1. The single nozzle parameter should have been added to the printer configuration a long time ago.

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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    Someone who owns one of the affected Geeetech printers (like you), or Geeetech itself, should update the overrides in their base definition files for the multi-extruder printers.  It isn't possible for Ultimaker to buy one of every printer on the planet in order to configure a proper definition file.


    The settings exist in Cura whether they are visible or not.  Loading the Printer Settings plugin makes them visible so a user can make direct changes to them but they can (and should) be adjusted by the printer definition file in the background.


    Adding these lines to the "overrides" section of the affected printer definition file would fix the problem.
            "machine_extruders_share_heater": { "value": true },
            "machine_extruders_share_nozzle": { "value": true },

    A third line should be added.  (I don't own one of these so I have no idea what the actual value should be.)
            "machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction": { "value": 33.33?? },


    The Geeetech definition file doesn't list an "author".  That might indicate that the definitions came from Geeetech directly.  It also means that they are responsible for fixing their problem.  The settings exist in Cura.  They just need to be...set.



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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    You are correct.


    My post was more out of frustration after spending several hours figuring out that the issue was not my printer or configuration and was actually a known issue from 2023. I've already loaded the "Printer Settings" plugin which exposed these settings and they do fix the issue.


    BTW: The printer is an Anycubic Kossel Delta Plus running an SKR v1.4 Turbo board. Almost tuned in and printing sweet except for missing the tops of my models. But that should now be resolved.


    Thanks for your post.

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    Posted · Two-color printing error

    It's good that you got it sorted out.


    Whenever a printer is modified from stock, the user really needs to look at EVERYTHING.  From the definition that was used, to the StartUp and Ending Gcodes, to the Cura profiles.  Everything has to fit together so the Gcode is both appropriate to the machine, and is understood by the machine.  Then, if you upgrade Cura, you must have the older version configured correctly because that's what the new version will use as a base.  You don't want to have to start from scratch again.


    My printer is a 5 year old Ender 3 Pro.   The machine itself is pretty much stock but the definition files I use are not.  I can configure the machine with (up to) 4 extruders, or as an "Origin at Center" printer...things like that.  Cura gets set up the way I like it.  That definition is in my Configuration folder so when I upgrade Cura (and I have about 12 versions installed) the new version sets up the way I want.


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