To me it looks like you're having some issues with under extrusion. The gaps persists in the top layer of the thicker part further down as well, indicating that the printer isn't able to output enough plastic to make a solid gap-free layer.
I would suggest lowering the printspeed or raising the nozzle temp, or a combination of both depending on how severe it is. Start with smaller increments and work your way from there until you hopefully see some improvements. A slight speed decrease or a few degrees higher nozzle temp can be all it takes in some cases, while in others you might have to tweak them more.
It could also be related to issues with walls and infill like d12 states, but I would try tweaking "minimum line width"(lowering it) and enabling "print thin walls" first to see if that is enough to help in case it's part of the problem. Changing the model shouldn't be necessary.
Edited by 43915
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d12 0
The machine+software is trying to create that shape using walls and infill. The problem, probably, is that the profile of the shape is very thin.
Without changing the model, here are things you can try by editing settings in your slicer software:
The simplest fix might be to change the model. Thicken the outer walls to near 1mm, or more, and you can even taper the edges of the walls for a tool that cuts good shapes and easily releases from dough.
To solve this in a way that you can learn, look at the preview function in your slicer. Watch the animation of lines building your part. It will show if the area is too small for infill according to your chosen settings. I use Cura, and would recommend it. If you're using another slicer, the facts remain the same but some details/names will change.
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