Hi yes just upgraded to Cura 5.50, sure it was working prior to the upgrade.
have just reinstalled 5.4, but the same issue with this version
Edited by MrCoolaHi yes just upgraded to Cura 5.50, sure it was working prior to the upgrade.
have just reinstalled 5.4, but the same issue with this version
Edited by MrCoolaThat button usually opens the file browser on your local computer. If you're sending the job directly to a printer (not saving the gcode and putting it on a memory card or uploading it to Octoprint or something) there isn't a folder on your computer for it to open because it didn't save a file.
i use WIFI to upload to the SP and have for quite some time before it stopped working. I used to slice it, Upload to printer via WIFI and moonraker, Moonraker would allow me to open the fluid UI, but that has now failed
I'll admit I have no idea what most of that software is, but if it relied on adding a plugin to the configuration folder, make sure the install the 5.5 copied it over (it should, but you never know). On Windows, it'll be in %APPDATA%\cura\5.5\plugins - also if it uses a plugin it might not be compatible with 5.5, if you post the cura.log file from the main configuration folder (the folder above plugins), we can have a look and see if there's any errors about a plugin failing to load.
Also worth noting if it uses a plugin: if you added it straight into the installation directory C:\Program Files\UltiMaker Cura <version>, that won't automatically copy over to a newer version.
If you didn't need to install a plugin to get it to work, then ignore all of that and tell me/link me to the instructions for how to set that up and I'll see if I can figure out where things could go wrong.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Have you updated any of the software involved recently? 90% of the time, when something stops working like this, that's the problem.
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