Thanks for taking a look and helping out, but this is not the problem I'm having. My problem is about the layers between the support roof and the next support structure.
In 5.1.0. this used too be filled up with support, but after 5.1.0. this is just empty space (added some screenshots, hopefully this makes it more clear). I would like a result where the whole support structure is connected.
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Slashee_the_Cow 429
You have Support > Support Layer Thickness set to 0.2mm but your layer height set to 0.1mm. This will cause it to print a thicker support layer every second layer, but this is represented in the gcode viewer by just printing support every second layer (not covering both, because it just shows what gets printed that layer).
This setting should be unaffected by whether you're using a roof or not (and disabling the roof in your example file - thanks for providing one, BTW, it shows the same thing; support printed every second layer).
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