OK many thanks as I will look into it.
I've yet to find a solution to some of the larger ABS or PP part prints I've done / I do staying successfully down on the build plate without a raft regardless of what is used between the part and the plate.
Without question, rafts have done the best job of helping me reach success.
I'll keep you informed when I try the PP print next. I'm close....
As always, TYVM PDC
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Slashee_the_Cow 479
You're silly not to upgrade. At the very least use the release version of 5.5 if you don't want to use the latest version.
Rafts aren't used much these days (relic from a bygone era when proper bed adhesion was nigh impossible) but if your build plate always warps, that's a fair enough reason.
The main setting for a stronger connection would be Build Plate Adhesion > Raft Air Gap. Normally it puts a layer (at least) of space between your print and the raft to make it easier to remove (i.e. it just does an empty layer then starts doing your print... sounds wrong but hey, it works, like there's an air gap by default between support interface and a model).
Initial Layer Z Overlap lowers the layers of your model (except the first one above the raft) a little bit to sort of force your model to squish onto the raft but you don't want to set that too high (like, one layer height, tops, but it's not something I've tested so I don't know what's ideal, I think the default is half a layer).
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