That 3mf file only contains the model, not the print settings. Did you set it up like you were about to print it before you saved it? And as I said, if you could post a gcode file of one of the prints where the brim has been so hard to remove, that would help (because if I sliced it I might not have the same problem).
The 3mf file was created from what I printed. I've also attached the g-code this time
UM2_2x2x6_with_magnets_and_tabs.3mf UM2_2x2x6_with_magnets_and_tabs.gcode
Seems to be slicing like a normal brim to me, although this bit in the middle where the two brims converge is going to be pretty strong:
Also looking at your print settings you have Material > Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow set to 110%. That will make it harder to remove that innermost line of brim because the extra filament which is flowing will spread out a bit and settle on the brim, adhering to it.
Thanks for your feedback.
Material > Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow set to 110% - I never adjust these myself but 110% appear to be default. I'll adjust it and see if it makes any difference.
I did one print with a 0.2mm Brim Distance; perhaps a bit better but nothing major I would say. Currently printing with 0.4 mm Brim Distance then I'll start adjusting Outer Wall Flow.
Appreciate that you take the time to help with my 3D printing problems.
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Slashee_the_Cow 491
I don't use brims that much, so I'm not exactly the biggest sample size, but I haven't noticed any changes. If you could post a .3mf file (in Cura, get it ready to print then go to File > Save Project) and the gcode file you get when you slice it yourself, then us boffins lurking around here instead of meaningfully contributing to society could have a look to see if anything is amiss.
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