I'm too lazy to rename directories every time I start. So I did this. Launched Elegoo Cura, configure my printer, close Elegoo Cura, renamed the folder 5.6 to Elegoo. Deleted the directory 5.6, launched Cura, configure my printers, close Cura, renamed the folder 5.6 to GT. Created a new file in notepad:
cd %APPDATA%\cura\
rd 5.6 /s /q
md 5.6
xcopy elegoo 5.6 /s /e
cd \
cd Program Files (x86)
cd ELEGOO Cura 5.6.0
Save as Elegoo.bat for Elegoo Cura, and create
cd %APPDATA%\cura\
rd 5.6 /s /q
md 5.6
xcopy GT 5.6 /s /e
cd \
cd Program Files
cd UltiMaker Cura 5.6.0
Save as Cura.bat for Cura. Make shortcuts to these bat-files on Desktop. Enjoy ))
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Slashee_the_Cow 483
Official line: this is the UltiMaker Cura forum, not the Elegoo Cura forum, so we don't support that
Unofficial line: It sounds like they're both using the same configuration folder (bad Elegoo Cura). Go to the Cura configuration folder, on Windows it's %APPDATA%\cura\ and there should be a folder for each version number. Try, for example, setting up Elegoo Cura, then when you're done, close it and rename the "5.6" folder to something like "5.6-elegoo". Open regular Cura, set that up, close it and rename the new "5.6" folder to something like "5.6-um".
Now test it: rename "5.6-elegoo" back to "5.6" and run Elegoo Cura. If that loads your configuration, then now all you need to do is rename the folders whenever you switch between them. Hassle? Yes. I use two config folders and I'm just using regular Cura, one for when I'm testing files for people on the forums and one for when I'm doing stuff for myself, so it doesn't get clogged up with a dozen different printers I don't even have with half the quality profile settings overridden.
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lomplanshet 1
It's working. Thanks!
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