I like the microSD idea, should've thought of that
The mega can write onto the SD card as well as read. In Pronterface there's an option for "upload to SD card", what it does is sends M28, which tells the arduino to write subsequent gcode commands to the sd card. Then M29 to end the write. You can probably just write that into your gcode files to automate the sd card process.
Good call on that cheap card reader. I wonder if the pins are in the right places though.. but you'd need to connect it to a wire anyway because the RAMPS board has male pins. I used a plug from inside an old computer case, like the kind that you use to plug the audio ports into the motherboard.
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antiklesys 3
Good job! I'm going to try this one out soon. How do you upload the files on the SDCard without removing it tho? It might be worth to check how much it is an sd card adapter for or use a microSD and solder the adapter on the board
This one looks like another cheap alternative by the way:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-SD-Card-M ... 518wt_1396
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