I would start here: https://support.ultimaker.com/s/article/1667410781005
Ultimaker S3 Z probing error
- 2 weeks later...
Many thanks to both of you for replying!
The fan turned out to be a possible issue. We'd dismissed it earlier because the problem persisted even when it did not seem to be turning, but after removing it entirely we do seem to be getting less homing issues. We'll see if that continues to be the case, but I am cautiously optimistic. Readings are down to a 4 in the sensor diagnostic, and we are 2/3 on successful starts.
Going to see how it's working today and report back.
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mrender 26
Auto bed levelling failures are maddening, the front fan seems to be usual cause as the wires tend to shear off the solder and produce electrical interference. The usual switch off switch back on sometimes helps, reslicing and resending the print appears to occasionally help too particularly with a not reaching the bed case or compressing the springs till the stepper overloads. We have found that not using WiFi but rather the ethernet port has helped alot and incidently with digital factory problems and bizarrely black screen lock outs. Going back a firmware version is worth try also.
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