Thank you just for responding, if the post is moved, I will fix it.
I use an ender 3 v3 ke, with petg, it is the first time it happens to me, but I only have 4 figures made
thank you so much
Thank you just for responding, if the post is moved, I will fix it.
I use an ender 3 v3 ke, with petg, it is the first time it happens to me, but I only have 4 figures made
thank you so much
If you could post the STL model file that would be great - it's impossible to tell based just on the settings if it's a problem with the settings or a problem with the model.
36 minutes ago, berto85 said:the file is not saved because the latest version of cura does not have my printer and I had to hack it, but I put some images.
The Ender-3 V3 KE is basically just a faster (but you don't need it to go faster), hotter version of the Ender-3 V3 SE so you can just use the profile for that.
When I get the settings to be visible I will do it
thanks for everything
Alright ?
If the figure fails I don't care
If my options fail in the program, yes
thanks for your time
Well, if this makes you feel better... the problem isn't what you're doing, it's the model.
If you look in the X-ray view on the Preview tab you can see there are some parts inside next to the left eye:
It's a lot more clear when I open it in MeshLab and move the camera inside:
Fortunately for you I've always been meaning to figure out how to do more in MeshLab so this seemed like a great opportunity 😃
Probably not as good as an expert could do, but the important part is that it's not slicing with holes any more:
I've attached the fixed model. Have a great day 🙂
you are a crack¡¡¡¡¡
thanks a lot
Thanks for your time and patience
I am very grateful to you
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
(Traducido por Google; lo siento, pero es lo mejor que puedo hacer)
La política normal es mover los hilos en idiomas extranjeros a su foro apropiado; como lo intentaste, no lo moveré, pero no puedo hacer ninguna promesa sobre otros moderadores (no somos una mente colmena).
Esto es casi imposible de diagnosticar sin ningún detalle. Incluirlos en su hilo en el foro en español también puede ayudar a sus resultados allí, por lo que es posible que desee publicarlos en una respuesta allí.
¿Qué impresora tienes?
¿Qué tipo de material estás usando?
¿Tu primera impresión tuvo algún problema? Y ya sea que lo haya hecho o no, podría ser útil compartir una foto para que podamos ver en qué se diferencia de su Gengar.
Si pudiera compartir el archivo de su proyecto Cura (.3mf, prepárelo para imprimir y luego vaya a Archivo > Guardar proyecto), eso también podría ayudar mucho a determinar su problema.
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