um1 or um2? If it's a UM1 then, yes, you probably blew Q4. The darlington. If it's a UM2 then this is very unlikely. If UM2, then much more likely is wiring issues near the head -- slide up the black plastic sheathing and check the wiring under there. Note that for both printers the fans don't normally come on until several layers have finished but you can start the fans on the UM2 by clicking PRINT, selecting anything to print, then TUNE and then setting fan speed to 100%. As long as you stay in TUNE menu it will not start printing.
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czucker 0
Problem solved. My neighbor came by and had a look. It was indeed the darlington. He had a TIP120 handy and didn't think it would cause any issues. I don't entirely trust that assessment so I ordered a few BD679s.
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