jhertzberg 19
I wonder if you could adapt the http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:112718 on Thingiverse to act as your sliding blocks, since you could pick the optimal pitch. There is already a design there that uses 623ZZ bearings at a 38.5 degree bearing angle. The challenge will be block clearance and drag from the unpowered side. I suppose you could either leave belts for power transfer, or add two more motors, but that might defeat the purpose.
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IRobertI 521
I don't know of anyone that has. I would assume the problem is the speed at which the print head moves. With a standard M8 threaded rod you would have to rotate it very very fast to match the speeds that the belts provide today. Changing to something with a higher pitch (or is it lower? I can never get that right) so that less rotation results in more movement would make it easier, but then you're reducing resolution again.
In the end I don't think the resolution is a problem though. Other factors like the shrinkage of the plastic can produce errors that are magnitudes bigger than the errors in the belts.
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