Hey guys,
So, I got to digging around last night and took the bottom panel off (I bought the Ultimaker fully assembled) After some mucking about on Google I found a very small reference to how the jumpers should be set on the axis connections. It appears that the z Axis was closed. Put it to open and it's already performing MUCH better. I still have calibration to do, but it's about a million time less worrisome that last night. Hahaha.
I also went back and attempted to realign all the axis rods, etc. Seems to have taken some of the warping perimeters out as well.
Feeling much better now. AHahaha.
My first instinct is to print a whole bunch of spare parts in case something were to break.
I do think I mat need to grease everything really well.
For some reason I can only get Slic3r to work right... When I go SF I get a weird thign where it spits out a bunch of plastic in the printing spot and then starts printing with not filament being extruded. Really weird.
Two things I would love to know... How/where do I adjust the "wait" time to let a lyer cool between prints rounds and how can I generate supports with the PLA? Do those break off fairly easy?
Thanks for all the help. This forum has already been an invaluable place for knowledge.
I ordered NetFabb last night but still haven't gotten a download link from Ultimaker. I'll excited to see if that makes a big difference.
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Daid 306
What software are you using? Because it sounds like you are "over extruding"
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