Oh, I think your question has landed in the wrong forum area.
It sure is a bit misleading, because even in UM2 Manual is about 3mm filament. There is something like: "... 2.85mm filament, also commonly known as 3mm filament" I think that is incorrectly described. It is rather that the entire material guide is designed to enter into HotEnd, for 2.85mm Filament.
But it's so that, for example 2.85mm filament has manufacturing tolerances, of perhaps 2.65 to 3.20mmm.
With 3mm filament it could quickly become very tight, because the UM2 Bowden has an inner diameter of 3.17mm (... with a simple instrument, even measured it)
Therefore, I believe the best approach is:
Use only material that is declared as a 2.85mm filament, and when in doubt the dealer can be held responsible.
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hoguel 0
Ok, a little color on the above. I pulled out the 3.00mm and put back the Ultimaker-provided 2.85mm. The filament had a groove in it. At some point, for some reason, the cogwheel just kept spinning at the same point and dug a groove in the filament, so it clearly could not move forward. I tried printing the chest last night, again with the Ultimaker filament, and about 80% through it stopped (grrr). When I removed the filament, there was that groove again. But of course, it got most of the way through the print first. So two scenarios:
1.) On the print of the chest, it actually looks like the filament got tangled on the reel. Of course, this did not appear to be a factor in the two previous times this happened. Still, has anyone had issues with the tangling of the filament? Is this just a case of my being more careful in handling the reel?
2.) Could the issue be the filament feeder itself? I made no changes to anything on that unit since opening the box and have made maybe 10 prints. Would the unit get maladjusted that quickly, and how to I solve? Would it be so sensitive that it would not take the 3.00mm filament, or do I need to make an adjustment for it to take that filament.
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