Dim3nsioneer 558
You might try to put a washer between the aluminium part and the wooden part at each of the four edges.
You might try to put a washer between the aluminium part and the wooden part at each of the four edges.
I've had the same thing with my PEEK part. It's not beautiful (yours seems to be a bit worse than mine) but it should work.
Note that you have to be careful with the wooden parts. If you tighten the long screws too much, then the vertical parts of the printhead will start to deform. Avoid that. Everything needs to be very firm and tight, but not squished...
Seems to print pretty ok so far. Image from first object, of course a robot and yes, need to be careful with the wood.
You might try to put a washer between the aluminium part and the wooden part at each of the four edges.
I don't think a washer will do plus i got just two left right now... But maybe 4 nuts will do just fine. I'll try that right now!
Thanks so far
edit: Well, couldn't mount the fan with the nuts in between. The long screws aren't that long. Found washers, looks good to me!
edit2: buuuut the long screws aren't long enough for the printed fan shroud... the back one is just ok, the front one not though
Looks good so far!
About the fanduct problem:
You could print and use a https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-minimum-printhead-with-threaded-bowden-lock-dual-extruder-version--2 and take different screws. Something like 16 or 20mm long screws should be fine with this printhead.
btw: Your last picture is set to private, can't view it...
I switched it to public now I think
I found this one the other day: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-minimum-printhead
Think I'm gonna try that. Not sure about the smoothness of screwing two PLA parts together... Maybe I'll print it some time in the future when the print results get more consistent.
Mine too I think Ultimaker should change the cutting of a recess in the assembly to compensate for the peek dimensions rather than changing the PEEK looks bad on assembly but still functional.
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jonnybischof 60
I've had the same thing with my PEEK part. It's not beautiful (yours seems to be a bit worse than mine) but it should work.
Note that you have to be careful with the wooden parts. If you tighten the long screws too much, then the vertical parts of the printhead will start to deform. Avoid that. Everything needs to be very firm and tight, but not squished...
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