Clearly it prints something before the tube pops out so there cannot be a blockage.
Do me a favor and calibrate your E steps/mm and measure your filament diameter before starting the next print. Just FYI the method of calibrating E steps/mm is to measure the amount of filament taken in (distance to a line drawn on incoming filament) WITH the hot end still connected and at temp (you are measuring how much filament is being taken in by your extruder under operating conditions).
ever thing worls ans then that black mark springs up, i see a big spcae between the bottom print plate and the top plate.
Please expand on seeing a big space. Where do you see a space? Is it between the aluminum plate and wooden parts of the head? Are you suggesting that this space forms as a result of the bowden tube popping out?? I find that highly unlikely.
How far up does the black mark go? See this thread viewtopic.php?f=7&t=987
How short is your bowden tube? It should form a half-circle above the UM most of the time. If it is too short then yes that is bad.
What have you done after it pops out? Did you just put it back in or did you cut it off?
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alaris2 1
have you checked the filament diameter Ian? if it's close or exceeds 3mm there's a problem..
should be about 2.89mm with a +-0.05 tolerance (ideally better)
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