Thanks, we've had the UM2 for 3 or 4 months now, as we speak we are trying to print with 0.1mm layers and see if there are any changes.
About your suggestion, what do you mean by the Teflon? the filament? we're using PLA in this case, could it be that the back enginge is the problem, that it gets stuck or it doesn't work properly while retraction? Is there any suggestion as to adjust pressure on the cable?
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DidierKlein 729
Hi and welcome to the forum
How long have you had and used the UM2?
Have you tried printing this in 0.1mm layers? 0.04mm seems a bit to low from my point of view...
One thing that could cause this problem i think is a deformed Teflon, this particular print has a lot of retractions due to the many support structures. It could be that the filament gets more retracted than pushed back due to too much friction in the teflon, so at a moment it doesn't extrude anymore
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