Here is my bedleveling gcode for my umo. It is for 3 point leveling but I added the middle and other corners as well.
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M107 ;start with the fan off
M117 Start Leveling - Homing X/Y
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;home Z
M117 Start Extended Bed Leveling
M117 Front Middle
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X103 Y0 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Back Left
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X0 Y210 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Back Right
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X210 Y210 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Middel
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X105 Y105 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Front Right
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X210 Y0 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Front Left
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G1 X0 Y0 F9000
G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed
M0 ;Pause
M117 Homing X/Y
G1 Z2.0 F180 ;move the platform down
G28 X0 Y0 F9000
M117 Leveling Done
G00 Z20.0 F180 ;move the platform down
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iefbr14 0
check this :
Bed Leveling Script for Ultimaker
by greengiant83, published
May 15, 2013
This gcode will position the print head at each of the four corners (with room to get to the bed adjustment screws) pausing for a button press between each so that you can adjust the bed level.
It is pretty much the same thing as the bed leveling wizard in Cura except that you don't have to connect the printer to a computer to run it
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