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Posted · estimated time and material

I've been watching the estimated time on Cura which was fairly accurate previously, but is now woefully wrong. I just had an estimated 1hr 30 print take 2hr 45 mins.

I think i've narrowed it down to the dwindle setting - switching this on seems to be causing the problem.

the amount of material is also puzzling me - why if I leave all settings the same but change just the print speed, can I make an object in weight ? the length of material remains the same, the time decreases (as expected).

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    Posted · estimated time and material

    The time is mostly wrong when the printer has to make a lot of small moves, due to acceleration these take more time then calculated by Cura. (In general, I seem to get 25% more time spend in the print then estimated, but I've had a 3 hour estimate take 6 hours!)

    Not sure what you are saying about the material amount...

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    Posted · estimated time and material

    What he's saying is that the estimated amount of material changes when he modifies the speed setting in the "settings" menu before slicing.

    I too have a question about the amount of material: How accurate is this supposed to be? I was thinking: Very accurate. But I'm still getting objects that are significantly lighter than expected.

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    Posted · estimated time and material

    The length should be pretty accurate, unless your filament slips. The weight is guessed by filament diameter and the density preference which is 1300 kg/m3 for PLA, and you need to set it to 1040 for ABS.

    However, I do not have a scale, so I've never actually checked the results :p

    As for the material amount changing if you change the speed. Skeinforge has some inaccuracies which might cause some slight fluctuations, but I wouldn't expect big changes.

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