I received my UM2 about 2 weeks ago and after printing 20 or 30 projects, I found a screw in the bottom of my printer. The build plate would not move up or down with the Z axis lead screw. There are supposed to be 4 - 3mm screws bolting the build plate to the Z axis threaded bushing. After removing the Z axis cover plate (at the back of the build plate with "Ultimaker 2" printer on it), I found all 4 screws were missing. I checked the packing materials and the inside of the shipping box and found 3 more screws. They had apparently come loose due to shipping vibration. I replace mine adding a thread lock compound called " Blue Removable Locktite" on the threads to keep them from coming loose again. Printer works fine now. (to get the cover off, remove 2 - 3mm screws accessed from the bottom of the build plate - the screws are in line with the bottom edge of the cover - one at each end). If your build plate has any play in the Z axis, check the screws.
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Daid 306
Free screw! (Most likely just a dropped screw during production)
Just to make sure, there should be a screw at the back end of the build plate sticking out of the bottom, this goes into a hole at the bottom to hit the endstop.
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