Where can i find the log file? i'll check about the firewall, would it mean i have to allow or deny firewall access for cura?
The log file should be in the folder where you installed cura (for windows atleast).
Cura uses a local connection to connect with the slicer engine. There have been cases where firewall settings messed with that connection (which prevents slicing)
Okay, so i wasn't able to find the log file BUT i found that it indeed does have something to do with the firewall, i turned the firewall of to see what happens and guess what.. cura slices again.
Now i don't want my firewall turned of, but can't find how i can use another firewall setting for cura..
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nallath 1,124
Could you post the log of Cura? Its impossible for us to say what is going wrong without it.
Also, do you happen to use a firewall?
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