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Everything posted by Daid

  1. You'll have to add the M92 X... Y... to the start code, as first line with do. The default X/Y are 78.7402
  2. There should not be an "internal rim" inside the PEEK. It should make a straight connection to the bowden tube... There is a design flaw with the current design, which doesn't effect everyone (my machine is running without issues for example) and Ultimaker will come with a fix very soon. (You also posted in the wrong forum section, but that's no big problem)
  3. It was 250000 by default on older versions, but for linux the 250000 does not work and thus it installs a 115200 firmware. The problem is not really the fact that there is auto detection, but that the auto-detection is a bit buggy at times. I know why, and it will improve.
  4. From the Cura website: The information is there. But what is really needed it a proper packaged version.
  5. "Sleep" is most likely the result of a MINTEMP or MAXTEMP error, this error does not display correctly on the display yet, and thus is shown as a Sleep (or dwell in older versions) Check your temperature sensor connections, this is usually the problem, they need to be very tight.
  6. Simply put, it's the thin wall problem. Thin objects are currently very hard to slice with the implementation found in Cura. You could try making the walls 0.5mm in width to see if that helps.
  7. The ABS fix kit is to stop leaks from the nozzle, the idea is that you extrude the ABS trough the nozzle at 260C so it fills up any gaps, as ABS has a higher melting temperature then PLA you won't melt the ABS at normal PLA temperatures, and thus the ABS will stay in any gaps in the nozzle.
  8. There is a UltiEvening next monday, where we dutch people meet up in real life, and there will be 3 talks about different subjects. The 3 talks will be held in English and broadcasted trough Google hang-out. So everyone can follow them. Details from Erik: There will be speakers on the following topics: Douwe van der Veen will tell about bioprinting. He is a biotechnologist, who works on a bioprinting project together with Jelle Boomstra at Protospace. He will tell you something about a modular printhead construction that they made. Marrit Hofmans will demonstrate 3D scanning of people using the programm reconstruct-me.. Martijn Elserman, who will tell you something about the design of a new hot-end. There has been a lot of talk about new technologies and Martijn is going to show, what he has been working on so far. The talks start around 20:00 dutch time. So feel free to join us online! (I've also heard something about an yet unannounced announcement, so if you want to keep on top of the Ultimaker news, be sure to tune in on time!)
  9. It could be possible that you are having the dreadful plugging problem. This usually starts with extrusion problems and slipping filament. There is quite some information about plugging on the forum. Another option could be a bad bowden tube, which is quite rare, but this means it's hard to push filament trough it even before it reaches the hot-end.
  10. Saidly, the current UM is very picky on the filament thickness, and some of the filament from UM was not within specs. Right now they are doing their best to check every roll of PLA. They also had a few bowden tubes that where not within specs and contain thin sections causing a lot of friction on the filament.
  11. Clogging is caused by the bowden tube moving up. Which is a bit of a design flaw in the current design. A solution will be presented soon. But the most important thing is that you keep that bowden tube in place. If you are taking it apart again check you white clip, it could be damaged.
  12. Different shrinkage in X/Y could happen because the PLA starts to cool as soon as it is deposted, and the order in which it's deposited defines the direction in which it moves. If you think it's the X/Y movement that is wrong, attach a pencil to the printerhead and plot a line and measure it. You can change the X/Y calibration with M92 X... Y... a value of 78.7402 is the default.
  13. Maybe thermal shrinkage is causing your slight oval circles?
  14. You do need to up the temperature if you up the speed. As you sure you had a clog? You could have had just a grind because of too much force needed by the extruder drive.
  15. First, let me warn you. I did not make the code that handles the replace.csv, nor the code that does the infill. It's also known that this code has driven people mad. So read it at your own risk. For the bridging part, you have to be at Curacura_sfskeinforge_applicationskeinforge_pluginscraft_pluginsinfill.py. Which I wish you the greatest luck with. I tried to isolate the solid and sparse infill from it, and I failed. I know how the code generates the sparse and solid infill parts, but I could not get the export to change for the sparse and solid parts. For the replace.csv it's a bit easier, which is in Curacura_sfskeinforge_applicationskeinforge_pluginscraft_pluginsexport.py, however, it's implemented as simple string replaces on the whole file.
  16. First thing to check is your belt tension, you might have backlash effects because of slack in your belts.
  17. The difference in model hole size and actual hole size is mostly due to shrinkage of the material. This shrinkage depends on the size of the hole and the things printed around it. So a general scale factor is not the best solution, the best solution is to modify your model and adjust the parts there. Because other features in your model will shrink differently.
  18. This will also disable the fan during bridging, which is why I didn't add this as a feature to Cura. The replace.csv is quite a hack, and I'm not very happy about it. But it gives some advanced users some advanced features. Adding conditionals to it won't be possible due to the way it's implemented.
  19. That's clearly a "nozzle too low" case. This means it is extruding an excessive amount of plastic, which gets pushed out and upwards. You should also see that your first layer is a bit larger then the rest. By default Cura prints the first layer with a height of 0.3mm, so the nozzle should be quite high above the bed. The 0.3mm layer makes it easier to have a wrong Z start height, an uneven bed, and makes it easier to remove the object. If you would have had a 0.1mm first layer then you would have most likely scratched the tape. The mistake you made might be quite common. Most likely you calibrated the Z height with a cold nozzle. And the nozzle gets a tiny bit longer when you heat it up. So it should be slightly above the bed at Z0 when cold.
  20. Calibration on X/Y/Z will not improve your ovals, as the reason for ovals is slack in one of your belts. You'll have to make sure that: 1. The short belts have enough tension by pushing the motors down. (This usually has to be done once again after a few hours of operation, but then never again) 2. The long belts have enough tension, by adding belt tensioners.
  21. When you are making parts, you account for inaccuracies in the final result. For example a 0.5mm margin is quite normal. This is no different from milled parts, or molded parts, which are also not perfect processes.
  22. As joergen says, your problem is most likely shrinkage. My 20x20 boxes are 19.6mm, I just accept that plastic shrinks.
  23. Dates say little. The avr-gcc I use is version 4.6.2 I know for certain that Arduino 1.0 came with an older version. And when I tried to compile Marlin with Arduino-1.0.1 yesterday the compiler was throwing strange errors. (The actual recommended version of Arduino to use is 0.23)
  24. Also those warnings are a bug in gcc, and workarounds applied caused other problems. The real solution is to upgrade your gcc version. The most logical reason why your UltiController no longer works is because you did not enable it in the Configuration.h
  25. Odd, Cura does simple volumetric extrusion, which works great for a lot of people. If you use the working GCode from NetFabb to print with the new firmware, how does that work? Also, the flow display on the ulticontroller is wrong. It's displaying 300, but the actual value is 800+ so changing it from 300 to 200 is not a 30% difference as you would expect, but a 10% difference. (I'm working on fixing this UltiController bug, and addressing some other UltiController issues)
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