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Posts posted by LePaul

  1. I meant to ask this a while ago and from the many videos and pictures I have seen, many of you have some improvements on your machines.

    What are some Must Have ones you found made a big improvement?

    I've been tempted to print a better fan shroud. The vinyl one seems ... well, like it has room for improvement.

    And...there's always a lot of new people in here and I thought this post might be a good resource once people share their ideas and examples :)

    If you can, please include a link and picture(s)!



  2. With all due respect, your support forum is one of the biggest selling points for the product. Don't mess with "badges" or "rankings". That isn't broken and doesn't need fixing

    The search function, however, is badly broken and needs to be addressed.

    As others chimed in, its very expensive to get stuff from Europe. I'm not sure the fix for that.

    You also announced a partnership with a USA retailer a while back. With "fbrc8"...so, I read your news release, went to their website...and not a whisper of anything to do with Ultimaker. Maybe there's a lot going on behind the scenes. But to this consumer, it looks disorganized and hurried to post something like this. If I could setup a business to resell the Ultimaker brand in the USA, it would be proudly listed all over my website.

    Happy to see changes to support.

    And let your customers know what's coming up. I am still really mad you guys sold me a kit and offered Ultimaker 2 eight days later. I would've bought that.

    Keep making a good product. :)


  3. I watched all three videos and wish the bald haired gentleman would stop playing with his hands and work on a sentence without saying "Ummmm" all through it. :) They certainly need to edit the videos better for length, perhaps they can view Barnucles videos as a reference. Concise, to the point, detailed where needed.

    Print The Legend was very good. Just amplified why I dislike Makerbot and Bre Pittis. He still thinks he's the most important person in the world of 3D printing. :roll: I like what FormLabs is doing, its more expensive to print with that resin, and a small build plate....but extremely impressive print (I had them send me a sample print....its amazing)

    I know some folks who swear by the Lulz since they do print larger stuff, they just have to do it slowly.

    Sander: What is your reaction to their comment about the inconsistent PLA from the Ultimaker Store?


  4. The corner cutoff isn't to prevent breakage - it's so that it doesn't squirt plastic out - then squish it all over the nozzle tip making a mess. When I built my first heated bed I drilled a big hole in the bed to let the plastic through that spot at 0,0. The priming/leakage ends up going through the hole to the area underneath the bed. No harm to the forthcoming print.


    See I have that already with the existing build plate! It gets to temp, oozing, homes to 0,0 and causes a gooey nozzle for a few seconds....which probably explains my under extrusion for those first few seconds


  5. Nice to hear from you, gr5 :smile:

    If I use the alcohol, the tape rips and sticks to the part. A real challenge to clean up

    If I don't do anything to the tape, sometimes I run into what looks like under extrusion, or the filament not able to grip the surface. Usually, if using brim, it does go on after a few seconds.

    So I am trying to find that happy medium

    Or donations for a heated build plate :cool: LOL !

    I have my machine working pretty well, though Ultimaker blue pla still makes the bowden tube pop from time to time.


  6. I have an Ultimaker original and am having a terrible time prying my prints off the 3M Painter's tape. I have to remove the bed from the printer to remove the prints with a thin, metal paint scraper.

    A heated build plate would certainly fix this but my job was eliminated in budget cuts a month ago. I'm searching for a new job and hope to land one soon.

    Unless Santa brings one!

    But seriously, I could use some tips/suggestions. Larger prints are really tough!


  7. you have an Ultimaker Original, so then it is easy to start a print like this:

    preheat pla

    when it reaches 200 degrees you can start to turn the feeder wheel on the back by hand and let the pla flow.

    then start your print, grab the string that leaves the nozzle.

    this way you always start with a full printhead.


    Well true, it does flow, I started the print and the first layer does go on better


  8. Skanect is a good, fairly cheap program for building 3D scans from Kinect or Primesense/Asus scanners. However, while the quality is pretty good at the resolution of a person, or bigger, it's not really suited for scanning small detailed objects. I can't really imagine the belt scanning very well, tbh. Especially with a Kinect, which is lower resolution that other more dedicated scanners like the Carmine v1.09.


    True, you may be right. Can't hurt to tinker and try it :)


  9. If you have the Windows Kinect, I found a good tripod-to-kinect adapter


    Note you need to select the "kinect_nut.stl" as he included the original file that does not accommodate the 1/4-20 nut.

    Edit: Tried it. Not a good design. You need to bore out the center hole (5/16") for the 1/4-20 threaded screw (from tripod) to pass. Furthermore, on most tripods, only 1/4" or so is available, so you do not over-thread too deep into your camera. With this design, once placed on a tripod, you can't thread into the 1/4-20 nut (you provide). Talk about frustrating! Push, tug. pull, cuss...you might get a half turn in, that's it. Try to lower the Kinect into the adapter and the "snaps" that fit inside the slots of the Kinect break.

    This design looks a bit more promising http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5004


  10. You may be on to something, I keep getting that first layer under extrusion since I tried printing at a cooler (210) temp.

    Thankfully printing with brim fixes most of that, by the end of the first pass things are flowing well Its the first few seconds that seem to lack. Removing the brim after really stinks, I have to remove the build plate from the machine and pry like crazy to get the part removed. I certainly have adhesion! I just wish I could remove the part a whole lot easier!

    Maybe I'll up the temp in Cura then after the first passes go OK, lower it manually.


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