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Posts posted by drayson

  1. Haven't seen it, but could be related to the race-condition bug. Does the GCode view not update or does nothing update?

    And what if you change a setting? (should trigger a new slice)


    If only opening the gcode, I have no visualization in any view.

    If I open a new model, I see it in normal view, but I can do whatever I want - change parameters, move the model - no slice is started...

    Re-installed it the 3rd time but without success...


  2. First, thank you for delivering the TweakAtZ plugin as standard supply !! :smile:

    Question: is it ok that the layer view is build up from top to bottom?? or just a strage visualization thing on my damn office notebook...

    @ Daid, could you please fix the issue with missing information in gcode-file?

    ;Print time: #P_TIME#

    ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g

    ;Filament cost: #F_COST#

    Opening a gcode file:

    Cura14.02: I have no visualization - not in normal nor in layer view.

    Cura14.01: everything works... (same file)

    Cura14.02: opening an add. stl model, the layer view shows both (ghosing??)

    I have also huge issues with slicing. At first start, the robot slices nice. After clear build plate, nothing happens when adding a new model to it. Have to restart cura and in most cases, it does not start slicing...

    Honestly, I have no idea whats going on... Have 14.01 in parallel on my PC where everything is workung propperly...


    Is really nobody having such issues like me at gcode view and at slicing new models?

    Very strange... any hint appreciated....


  3. First, thank you for delivering the TweakAtZ plugin as standard supply !! :smile:

    Question: is it ok that the layer view is build up from top to bottom?? or just a strage visualization thing on my damn office notebook...

    @ Daid, could you please fix the issue with missing information in gcode-file?

    ;Print time: #P_TIME#

    ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g

    ;Filament cost: #F_COST#

    Opening a gcode file:

    Cura14.02: I have no visualization - not in normal nor in layer view.

    Cura14.01: everything works... (same file)

    Cura14.02: opening an add. stl model, the layer view shows both (ghosing??)

    I have also huge issues with slicing. At first start, the robot slices nice. After clear build plate, nothing happens when adding a new model to it. Have to restart cura and in most cases, it does not start slicing...

    Honestly, I have no idea whats going on... Have 14.01 in parallel on my PC where everything is workung propperly...


  4. I only used a Alu plate which we had in the company - honestly no idea, but it is nicely flat :smile:

    The dimensions I used is the same as original (242x242) - there is a pdf at my thingiverse description also with all dimensions.

    MIC6 plates you can get here, but as this is a TM, it is sold via ACP6000.


    The silicone heating pad is shot on ebay - at a UK seller.


    Unfortunately I had no time up to now to mount it - and there is still the relais and the PSU missing :smile:

    Regarding cable chain, thank you - I placed it in the UM, you can find a picture I made yesterday in my other post.


  5. Hi all!!

    IRobertI modelled a great cable chain fitting to the UM2. Thank you, great work!!

    Unfortunately I have an UM original so after a short discussion, I got the permission from him and started modifying this great work to fit to the UM1.

    The chain is re-scaled to 75% to fit into the available space and is monuted a different way. Ther eshould be enough space for the heated bed power cables and the termistor cables.

    The bottom end part is mounted via double sided tape or 2 screwsto the back pannel, the chain is going vertially up and down to the bed (instead of horizontal as in the UM2 solution) where it is mounted via one of the screws holding the left arm/bearing sandwich together.

    The result can be found here:


    Up to now I printed all parts and assambled the chain itself, but unfortunately there was no time to mount it and make some pictures. They will hopefully follow within the next days...

    Additional remark: the bed end is prepared for mounting a cable clamp (if necessary), but this part is not designed yet as I´d like to try it first without...

    Have fun :-)


  6. Hmmm... Das Ding ist lieferbar ab Juni... Willst du wirklich so lange warten??? ;-)

    Also ich hab meinen UM1 seeehr lieb und verpass ihm immer wieder mal neue Teile oder upgrades (jetzt grad dual extruder).

    Ich habe es - trotz dass kurz nach meinem kauf der UM2 vorgestellt wurde keine Sekunde bereut. Wärend meiner Entscheidungsphase hatte ich auch ein sehr informatives Telefonat mit Sander, in dem er den UM2 schon erwähnt hatte.

    Was mir am Kit absolut gefallen hat war das selbst zusammenbauen und dabei lernen, wo ich dran rumschrauben kann. Nimmt sicher die Scheue. Ausserdem kannst du das Ding nocch schön in deiner Lieblingsfarbe anmalen :-)

    Trotzdem noch viel Spass bei der Entscheidungsfindung. :-)

  7. I think, to drive not only one, but two or three "movers" might be a good idea to decrease slip and increase contact surface.

    Reading through all your posts and thinking of an direct drive bowden mod for my UM1 (as I don´t really like the space-needing solution for 2 extruders), I was considering two MK8 wheels next to each other guiding the filament left/right and a setup with a pre-loaded lever including a thumb release.

    Just the distance of the two wheels and the drive is a bit difficult as it is dependend on filament diameter and play in the gears or chain/belt...

    Might this be a possible way...?


  8. Will you do this more often? Maybe there is a possibility of install a intermediate connection for all the wires with e.g.Harting plugs so you can simply take off the extruder and place it in the build room.

    And ref. to Robert - the IKEA bag work great...


  9. I also recognized this issue a while ago and already asked Daid about it.

    From my point of view this info lines are very helpfull as I store all my gcodes. When there´s a need to printing them it´s nice to just to open the file in editor instead loading it into cura and can see how long the print app. takes - or if you sell the prints, how much it costs...


  10. ....

    The good news is that they are trying to produce a water-soluble, environmental friendly, easy printable material. Which does not burn up like PVA does.



    Hi Daid,

    are there any news about the PVA-like material?

    I´m asking because I ordered a second extruder a few minutes ago :-)


  11. HAAAA..... guys, thank you for all the advices - I managed it... :-)

    Today I tested my new print bed (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4368-easy-plug-in-3-point-bed-leveling/) and guess what... it worked...

    The only thing I did different from the other trials was a bit thicker solution (1:2), a freshly vanished bed with the solution and a bit pre-heating by hair dryer.

    Works great, mirror-like bottom surfaces, really great.


  12. Hi everybody...

    what should I say... I love it when a plan comes together...

    After a long time planning and struggling around with pro & cons I finalized my alu bed with 3-point bed leveling-project.

    Here we go...

    First I created repacements for the original bed leveling things and a new additional thing for the middle position in the back. The nice thing: no nuts any more as there are printed parts below the wood to secure it

    Second, I organized a nice 5mm thick alu plate :smile:

    Next, print all the necessary stuff and disassambled the original bed.

    I drilled a 8mm hole in the middle of the back mounting positions and started assambling the whole thing...

    And now - look at the pics... untested under printing conditions, but nevertheless looks awsome and works like a charm... Sorry, but I'm a bit proud... :smile:

    Here are a few pictures:

    IMG 0736

    IMG 0733

    IMG 0735

    IMG 0734

    IMG 0738


    The printable parts are available at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:247552

    Unfortunately there is just one issue left - my problem with wood glue printing at glass (there are some another posts helping me to fix this issue)

    Next things:


    • Add a nice silicone heating pad with a nice cable chain (gues there is one who might know... :cool: )
    • Replace original wood arms with milled alu arms


    ... but that´s another story... :smile:


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