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Posts posted by drayson

  1. @ Daid, great to hear this. I guess that´s some advantage and I´m really looking forward for this development and hope it is also applicable on UM1´s.

    @ Nicolinux, yes, that might be true but I understand countermeasures not in direction of features only (honestly, nobody just buys because of features, that´s only the final comparison), I understand it in transporting the customer benefits and adressing the needs in a good marketing...

    BIG benefits of UM is definitely also the community and the great support - that´s something worth to place in the communication.

    Well, the time will show...

    @ Robert - mech. eng. was "only" my former profession :-)


  2. Damm Dude :-)

    Give me a second - have to grab my chair cause I felt down with it while laughing - that´s a great joke...

    God, I love this community - nevertheless - I would be happy if you could re-change before somebody start asking "mechanical questions" bout the UM design... :-)

    Sorry, still loughing....

    I guess I owe you a beer if you ever come to Graz... :-)


  3. I completely agree to Dim3nsioneer´s and also Nicolinux post's... and as a rule of thumb, only 3% of all inventions become sucessfull products. From my point of view, Ultimaker did and still do the right things. Force development, care of their customers with perfect support and grow with a healthy rate.

    Nevertheless, I also took a look onthe new Replicators...

    First, the design looks nice, like a microwave, so something most customers are familiar with.

    Secondly, they promote HIPS as soluable support material and heated chambers as they have now no problems with patent infringement...

    From an marketing point of view, that´s a pretty good starting point...

    So what could be the countermeasures? (if neccessary?)


  4. Hi guys,

    Don't know what I did wrong but tried to print on glass (4mm) and a 1:3 solution of wood glue - no success... :-(

    Solution distributed with a brush, bed leveling done as usual via a PostIt, print started at 210 degree...

    Any hints??

  5. Hallo Karsten!

    Mit dem Bausatz hast du genau das Richtige für die Feiertage.

    Bauanleitung gibt es nur online unter der Adresse die PeggyB gepostet hat.

    Kann dir nur raten, es erst mal durchzulesen und erst dan zu beginnen - hat mir seinerzeit auch einige aha's beschert :-)

    Viel Spass damit - und wenn du Fragen hast, die Community hilft gern :-)

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