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Posts posted by martin-bienz

  1. @ JonnyBischof, Colorfabb XT seems nice! printed at 250? Is it that strong? The part turned out very nice, looks pro!

    @ Chrisp, really nice press. Need to make one asap!

    Lego Stars Wars is rather hip at the moment, so my kids asked me to print some from thingiverse. And I did :cool: . Now tomorrow I will NEED to give it to them and I am rather sad for them to leave my office :mrgreen: ...

    Storm Trooper (http://www.thingiver...om/thing:170704) (0.1 Layer height), The helmet comes off. It's a 3 - piece print, rather delicate, but I think it turned out ok.:



    Darth Vader (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:50300) (0.2 Layer height, this also reminded me that 0.2 is fast and still good quality!):



    Both of them together:



    have a great day.


  2. okay, hier meine (momentane) Wunschliste:

    - 3 mm, Luminous PLA, 100 m Roll

    - 3 mm, Ruby PLA, 100 m Roll

    - 3 mm, Amber PLA, 100 m Roll

    - 3 mm, Gold PLA, 100 m Roll

    - 3 mm, Black PLA, 100 m Roll

    - 3 mm, IMPLA, 100 m Roll (white ODER schwarz)

    Die Seite wird noch immer gewartet... ich finde im Shop nicht alles (ich werde dann heute Abend nochmal reinschauen und gegebenenfalls nochmal editieren).

    Vielen Dank



  3. Vielen Dank für die Initiative Dim3nsioneer. Ja, es ist ein grosses Interesse da... (war ein paar Tage offline)! Jetzt ist die Site "down for maintenance". Werde aber gerne heute Abend oder Morgen nochmal reinschauen und dann meine Wunschliste zusammenstellen :mrgreen: .

    EDIT: Eine Frage noch, betreffend Rolle vs. Spule. Wie druckt Ihr ohne Spule, also Rolle, ohne Spule. Legt Ihr das einfach auf den Boden? Oder habt Ihr euch eine Universall-Spule gebastellt, gedruckt (gethingiversed / geyoumagined)?



  4. @IRobertI, I especially like the case idea and how it's been designed and executed. I am really impressed.

    @Didier Klein, I LOVE the octo-zorro.

    @fabskill, really cool!

    @LeoDDC, fantastic organic design, they also look rather and surprisingly friendly, no? great!

    I am just today back to printing as I had a reall messy teflon coupler, that caused some real bad extrusion issues. It seems to be ok now... testing, testing, printing, printing :-P.

    The fishbone hanger from thingiverse (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:232464), which I installed in my boys bathroom, next to the nemo pictures. Also was my first print with inside support. printed with white PLA from SwissRepRap at 0.1 mm layer height. Speed was 50.


    fishhanger 2


    Have a great day!


  5. yes, upgrade to the latest version, especially hot end. feeder can be printed afterwards. I have a very similar issue with my UM1 just at the moment. Check @ http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5227-problems-extruding/.

    I am sure that on mine it's the teflon coupler. So take it out and inspect it carefully. Do not rip it out with pliers, be gentle. Hope you can resolve this soon. hte pice is rather easy to replace and rather ok with regards to price... 15€. I will test it in the coming days once the replacement arrives.


  6. Hi JonnyBischof, thanks! I was turning crazy thinking I am the only one with this issue. I currently have an order open with UM so I will try to add 1 or 2 to the order... want one? :-P


    This teflon part is the reason why I'm trying to switch to another hotend design...


    Direct drive? Which design (is this part of your UM Black Edition build, cool btw, I might borrow some ideas!)?


  7. Oh... ok. Yeah, I see what you mean, sorry. Hmmm... I don't think so, I in try to avoid pliers on flex pieces (and in general). But I I now had to take it appart a few times but only since it's not printing anymore ... so it might be some "fight-marks" (Kampfspuren), if you know what I mean :mrgreen: . My printer was printing since over a year without issues and I did not even have a nozzle clogg or anything. The only thing was that I had loose pulley screws, missed steps (which was easy to fix). So I really have no clue where this comes from.

    I have created a support ticket (open since 02.05.2014), maybe UM Support knows more on the subject. I will probably just buy a new one and keep on going. If they have a solution / root cause I will update this post.


  8. Hi Ultimakers, I wanted to share some of my latest designs / prints. I mostly design and print for my two boys which is so much fun, especially on rainy days :cool:! And as my UM1 is not working at the Moment I have some time to share stuff.

    This is a sword I drew and printed for my 3 year old son (pirate sword):

    sword 1


    And some detail:

    sword 2


    My own raspberry pi and pi cam octoprint case that fits to the um1 without any screws or glue or else, just snaps in place:

    octocase 1


    And my project for and with my 5 year old, the JBOT (raspberry pi, Screen, glowing eyes "night light", controls etc.). On the picture the Speakers are missing:

    jbot 1


    The design from within 123D Design:

    jbot designed with 123D Design


    I hope you like it.


  9. I did buy this Printer as a kit and built it myself, that was my goal from the begining, otherwise, no much fun, right? :mrgreen: So I am sure this is not from pliers... it's also really round, would be hard to do with pliers.

    The only thing I could imagine is that it all started more or less after a few prints with laywood. That maybe carved it out after it cooled and I took it out? Or maybe there is too much pressure from top so it was pressed together at the weakest Point and got scraped away?

    You do not happen to have one of those laying around, have you?


  10. Short update. I could not print anymore so I decided to take it appart once more. Now, when you look at the teflon piece from the other side carefully and in broad daylight, you can actually see that in mine there is something like a carving!! How could that happen? Any of you had that before?

    Attached the Picture of my Hot End Isolator Coupler (adjusted the contrast a bit so you can see better):

    carved out Hot End Isolator Coupler

    At least I think I found the issue.

    Thank you for your help!


  11. I use 80gm2 also, and as fingerpuk allready said, don't fold it. Once you did it 2 or 3 times you will get the feeling. You can also while the printer is laying down the first few lines (skirt if configured) still adjust it carefully (like 1/4 or 1/2 a turn) no problem. HAPPY PRINTING!


  12. I would start with something, as gr5 and Tommyp1208 say, with something that has a real purpose. Something easy to draw and also someting that users can relate to.

    I like the knob idea of gr5, as this is really something usefull and I did that before a few times. The knob needs to fit a real world object, so the designer needs to measure first and then reproduce it / parts of it in cad. It will open many good discussions about tolerances for instance. they will find out they will need to make holes a bit larger depending on the inteded fit etc.. The knob is rather easy to model, I guess really good as a starting point.

    Also maybe I could suggest a "bag tag" of some sort. Everybody can customize with their name in various fonts etc.and it's rather fast printed and easy.

    I guess from the first print on it's probalby up to the individual allready... there will be the artists and the industrial designers... some for sure want to design cases and the others probably more organic stuff? Up to them to find out if they want to use blender or 123 design / tinkercad.


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