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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. From the Photo i can just tell that there is just 1 bowden so it would be quite a wonder if there would be a second extruder.


    My thoughts exactly :)

    Would've surprised me I they'd release another printer with dual extrusion first before the UM2 gets a kit. Followed by the UMO+ :)


  2. Daid... I really get the idea behind the pitch. To be honest: that argument was one of the points that convinced me as a complete n00b to go for a UM2. (So it works)

    But in all fairness: once you get beyond the "printing the pre-sliced um robot on the sd card", you are in for a world of hurt. Trust me, I speak from experience.

    Basically about 15 minutes after the package comes of, the entire sales pitch turns out to be a big lie and disappointment. The illusion only remains if you have someone that pre-slices everything for you and maintains your printer.

    So given the complexity of the matter (at this point), we are all forced to "grow up" extremely fast, "wannabe simple or not".

    So, just like you can do with Cura - once you feel comfortable - it should be possible to put the printer in "beyond novice" mode too. Because imo providing people with a printer that allows for more professional handling is as least as important as having a dummy mode on it. The dummy period will be a lot shorter than the novice/pro one

    Trying to appeal to a bigger audience is IMHO a very short term vision, you want to keep your customers beyond that too. Making it seem simple only works for so long.

    Just my $0.02:)


  3. I asked Daid personally if there was a chance we would get the same information display that the UMO has. The lack of information during printing annoys me to bits.

    The reply was amongst the lines of "no" and "you should just install the hacked version". I refuse because they are always behind the current master. To that the reply was that I should just do a merge with the head version myself.


  4. Nice fridge enhancement for the stacked yoghurts.


    I always love those practical prints! Need to keep that in mind :)

    I usually give my grandparents a bouquet for new year (today), but since this is the first year I have my printer I decided to go a bit different about it :)

    Flower pot


    The faces were done via the pause at z plugin and changing the filament at that point. They are in glow in the dark. So the last layer of the face and the eyes/mouth glow when the lights are of. Very nice effect but a bit creepy ;)


  5. The code that determines whether an object will fit for printing seems to ignore the "cut off bottom" value.

    I am trying to print an object that is 210mm high on an UM2, which has 205mm as maximum height. I can cut of whatever I want from the bottom, it still shows as non-printable. It's not exceeding maximum directions in either X or Y.


  6. Sander, bedankt voor de snelle reactie...

    Ik kan echt niet geloven dat er voor materiaal van deze prijsklasse gebruik gemaakt wordt van enveloppes, al dan niet gewatteerd...

    De plooi die je in het bed ziet is de omranding van de spoel filament die ik besteld had. (die dus ook gewoon in dezelfde enveloppe zat)

    Ik weet niet wat de inpakkers daar denken als ze met zo'n dingen bezig zijn. Frustrerend is dit zeg.


  7. Aangekomen intussen... Met veel enthousiasme het pak openen, want eindelijk weer printen...

    Het enthousiasme was snel weg:

    DSC 0003

    Ultimaker.... Ik heb het GEHAD gewoon. Dit is niet de eerste keer dat jullie me nieuwe stukken opsturen in zo'n crappy verpakking dat het materiaal beschadigd wordt onderweg. Mijn vervang ventilator-kit vorige keer ook! Zo duur en ZO WEINIG zorg, ongelooflijk!


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