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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. This has been a discussion for quite a while and it's pretty clear that UM will not change its opinion on it. They keep on claiming it is a feature that is very handy for most people and that the amount of people not liking it is very small.

    I for one agree with you fully. I'd like to be able to just modify everything to my liking and then "commit" the changes to have the paths recalculated. But I guess we'll have to learn to live with it.

  2. A couple times a month I coach kids in programming, mainly during these so called CoderDojo's.

    I often get asked to bring the 3D printer for a demo and when I go to dojo's where I haven't been before I usually try to print something little in advance for all the kids.

    This usually ends up being the UM robot for smaller dojo's, but a lot of them are now around 50 kids and I sometimes don't have enough free printing time to print that many in a decent quality.

    So I'm basically asking you guys for ideas. Something that can be printed in not too much time and that the kids would like as a memento.


  3. Ow and on my iMAC, the 3rd time this happens (nothing is saved in that case):


    I *think* it was because there was still a second object with a different name loaded (but not visible - far outside of the build volume). I've removed it and then saved again and then it assigned the name of the object on the build plate.

    The mouse response for moving objects is extremely weird on my iMac5K. If i click on the object to move it it just jumps a couple cm away. I then have to drag with my mouse far outside of the object to get it back on the plate.


  4. No issues with config files on my iMac 5K. My MacBook Pro however keeps insisting on me re-adding the printer on every startup. Already tried removing ~/.cura so it would be recreated but no luck

  5. Setting files can also be inherited, which you can see if you look at the ultimaker2.json, which inherits fdmprinter.json. This was done to even allow printers that dont use FDM (or even non printer machines. Uranium would be suited for CNC mills / laser cutters aswell)


    @nallath: Is there an option to add a new printer type (UM2 + 0.8mm nozzle) in the ~/.cura location instead of under the application? Even if I would symlink them I would keep on losing the json's (or the symlink) every time/update.

    • Like 1
  6. The settings thing... It wasn't just the one time sigh.

    Cura 15.06.03 loses its settings after every shutdown... it asks me to add a printer every time it starts. MacOS 10.10.4

  7. The settings from 15.04 to 15.06 were drastically changed and aren't brought over. If updating from 15.06.xx to 15.06.03, settings should not be lost.


    My previous version was 15.06.02 iirc...

  8. This is usually why you use an existing solution as a base and modify on top of that. There is no need to re-invent the wheel over and over again. This philosophy was one of the main reasons to implement plug-ins and create Uranium; easier re-use and modification of code.


    Nallath I think we had that discussion extensively before and I'm pretty sure that if a "raise hands if you want to go back to a pre-existing forum"-question was posed nearly every hand would be raised ;)But it's not the path that was taken.

  9. Robert it is not a simple thing to do, especially not if you want to do it the correct way.

    Everyone assumes that its nothing more than storing the highest read post-id of the topic you are browsing. That works, but it's crap in the end, simply because it's only a fraction of what is needed.

    To do this correctly you would have to continue then by detecting if that "read page" results in the entire current forum becoming read: Meaning that all topics have a "last read post" that is either the very last one of that topic or more recent than the cut off point (which is the last post that was added in a forum when it was marked as read, or the last post of say 90 days ago. You really don't want to keep read info per user per topic forever).

    If so, clean up read data of all topics in that forum, mark forum read, move up a level and repeat.

    If you don't do this you end up with situations where in a specific forum all topics are marked read, but higher up the forum is still marked as containing unread topics and so on.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't get the discussion here about "nozzle size not being needed anymore". Of course it is!

    How I look at it it's


    nozzle width + e-steps + layer height + feed rate + moving speed of the head = effective line width.

    You push a "tube of plastic" through the nozzle (the nozzle hole size + feed rate determines the exact diameter of that). The layer height and the moving speed determine how much the entire thing is flattened out, thus effectively how width the resulting line of plastic will be.

    You are the second person in this thread to claim that simply "specifying the line width" is enough, but how I'm looking at it that is a mathematical impossibility. It means Cura is able to guess everything else, which I don't believe.

    But I guess that's me being stupid again.

    • Like 2
  11. The wall is the total thickness... In its own it doesn't determine everything, it actually uses the nozzle size.

    Reading back, I don't know how I missed mastory's reply. @Daid already mentioned "the machines settings" but I thought it was the machine part under the settings. @mastory pointed out it was the *.json files in the Applications' directory. Took a look at those and they indeed have the nozzle size in there.

    So basically, everything else everyone has been saying here is incorrect, as the actual nozzle size is still in play.

    Anyhow, for everyone interested: I just made 2 copies where I changed the "id" and the "name" (and obviously the nozzle size) and added those as extra machines. Case closed.

  12. Don't understand the question.  What you call "nozzle diameter", Cura now calls "line width".


    I perceive line width as "how width the line of plastic is that the printer lays down in a single go". As I interpret this its a calculation using the nozzle diameter, a layer height and a feed rate.

    If the line width is now what we used to call the nozzle diameter it is a very confusing name, but then that is indeed what I was looking for. I still think that nozzle diameter is more clear but that is my opinion on the matter.

  13. There won't be a nozzle option as you have to use the line width options.


    Line width... But wont that just try to use the 0.4mm nozzle width and the feed rate to come to the correct thickness? Possibly mess up completely if there's a 0.8mm nozzle in there?

  14. The nozzle size is one of the machine parameters, but you can enable more settings to see so you can configure actual line widths, which is most likely what you want to influence when you where messing with the nozzle size on the old Cura.


    No it wasn't. I have one of those Anders blocks and I really was looking for the nozzle size. And I've looked through those settings back and forth but I can't find anything related to the nozzle.

  15. If there would be "mark as read"-functionality then its perfectly okay to add the status to the category overview.

    I smell a little "it's too much work to implement so we're not going to do it" here.

    I know it's a development challenge - I told you as much during our meet - but that single feature is the only one I'm looking for in the forum. Without it it is still not possible to just visit the overview and scan for activity without having to look at the topics with last activity. This means you can't use the sorting.

  16. Just don't eat or drink anything in the 4 hours before the meeting and we should all be good...... ;)

    Hmm, so either there's food bribery involved or some kind of surgery?

    Anyway... All joking aside, I will see you guys in a couple of hours.

  17. So are there any brainwashing techniques involved?

    It's that they've asked to speak to me as well tonight and I wonder if I should take magic goggles or something :p

    If not and you guys are all convinced of what they're planning, I have to say I'm very curious :)

  18. I've never noticed this - I'm kind of surprised.  How much bouncing are we talking about?

    Do you know what a drumroll looks like? Well... that ;)

    It doesn't happen very often with me but indeed, if it does I usually up the temp and slow down until it recuperates. Haven't been able to consistently reproduce it.


    A MUCH bigger issue is when you have overhangs you get raised edges - sometimes as much as a whole millimeter.  The head can hit these raised edges and knock the part off the bed.

    I so hate that and it's like every heavy overhang. But there it's slow speed, lower temp and up the fans if you can. That helps a bit, but not always.

    But it seems we've hijacked @lars86's thread a bit :)

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