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    Ultimaker 2
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  1. Hi Gr5, thanks for your detailed reply! With the PTFE coupler I understand now, so I will replace it. But this part I do not understand: Could you explain more simple pelase? Is there anything further to do (with the top of the bowden) to improve my prints? Thanks again...
  2. Hi gr5, I tried your suggestions now and it seems the print is better now. Just to improve my knowledge, what has the PTFE coupler to do with underextrusion please? What is the relationship between both? Thanks...
  3. Hi gr5, thanks for your support, I really appreciate that.! I don't know exactly how old my UM2 is, I guess somewhat 4 years. The PTFE I changed maybe 3 years ago when I installed the Olson Block. I try your suggestions now...
  4. Hi, is anybody here who can help me in this regard? Thanks for any hint...
  5. Hi, I use Cura 4.11.0 and an Ultimaker 2 with Olson Block and created a holder for a pcb. My problem is (as one can see in the image below) there are gaps around the holes. Everywhere else the top surface is quite good but where the holes are the circles do not touch for some reason. Other rounded parts as the rounded corner in the front are closed. It seems to be an issue only where complete circles are. Does anybody face the same problem? How can I fix this? Thanks for any help!
  6. Hi geert_2, as one can see in the image some parts are printed clearly without any blobs and some parts not. So I doubt that it is a problem of overextrusion since then overall there would be more filament and not only where the blobs are. The nozzle is not too close, I recalibrated the printbed with a sheet of paper and again, since parts are printed well it could not be the nozzle too close to the printbed. The polygons are very simple big squares and triangles almost bigger than 4 cm! So there must be another reason for those blobs. The only appear on the first layer. Any further ideas?
  7. Hi Greg, orthographic does not help unfortunately. Pan and rotate are smooth, but scrolling using the wheel just provides rough steps. Is there any keyboard shortcut to zoom without the mouse wheel?
  8. Hi, I have problems with my 1st layer. Sometimes it creates clear extrusion paths sometimes there are blobs, as you can see in the attached images. The nozzle moves exactly through the center of the blobs (see orange line): My question now is where do these blobs come from and how to get rid of them?
  9. Hi, I use Cura 4.8.0 and have a small part placed on the builtplate. Now I want to scroll closer to the part. If I use CTRL and Plus (on keypad) then it zooms in a huge step. The same happens if I use the mouse wheel. The following screenshots show one single scroll step: If I rotate or pan the movement is much smoother compared to zooming. Is there any way to make the zoom happen in more finer steps? Thanks...
  10. Hi, I use Cura 4.8.0 on my Windows 10 machine. I have a small part to print. I used the draft settings, changed 'wall line count' from 2 to 3, changed infill from 20% to 40%. If I slice I get a small gaps in the top layer of the lower part, see image: If I set wall count back to 2 then the gap disappears: How to get rid of the gap if 'wall line count' is set to 3? The *.3mf file is attached. Thanks for any help... CuraSmallGapInTopLayer.3mf
  11. Hi, @nallath: what does that mean now? Can we expect a better performance under OSX High Sierra in a reasonable amount of time? Or should we switch to Windows?
  12. Hi guys, great work here - please keep going on. Thanks a lot...
  13. @nallath: Thanks for reply, but what is the solution now? When there will be a fast Cura also for iMacs? @ahoeben: Thanks for reply, In a future version of Cura, this oddity must be detected and worked around. I agree! So I'm singing '...all we can do is sit and wait...' Thanks god I have also Simpilfy3D installed - and this is incredibly fast!
  14. Hello, today I updated to Cura 4.0.0 on my Mac OSX High Sierra V10.13.6, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (2011), 16GB RAM. But Cura4.0.0 is incredibly slow. I cannot work with it. I made a video where you can see how lazy Cura 4.0.0 acts on scrollbars, or 3D view changes, rotation of 3D objects: Video of lazy Cura4.0.0 Why is cura so slow??? I cannot use it this way! Thanks fpr any help...
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